“Drake!” Jade shouts over the patrons in front of us as she spots us walking toward her. She’s standing behind the bar dressed in a white mini dress which fits her perfectly. She’s added more ink to her skin in the years since she had her twins and totally looks like some sexy bartender who can take down any drunk patron trying to get a little handsy with the chick serving them drinks.
We both head over to where she stands, Wynter taking a seat in one of the bar stools while I lean over the counter and place a kiss on Jade’s cheek. “Fuck Jade, this place is awesome,” I shout, congratulating her.
Jade smiles wide and I can tell this is everything she’s ever wanted. Well, other than her husband and the two beautiful babies he gave her. Like I said, there isn’t anything Bass wouldn’t do for her.
“I know, isn't it incredible?” Jade says, “And the crowd that’s come out, I never expected this many people.”
“It really is amazing,” Wyn adds, and for a moment it looks like Jade doesn’t quite know how to react to her presence. I’d RSVP’d for two and assumed after the wedding a few weeks ago, she’d figure I would bring Wynter with me. Jade was the one who texted me saying to pass along the invite to her.
Though she probably didn’t think we’d still be a thing this long. I’m sure none of them did.
I know Wynter was never the one to cause drama with Jade and Scar, but she also never tried to befriend them or stand up to her bitchy best friends when they’d talk shit to them. I guess it just seems like foreign territory for Jade to have Wyn acting, nice.
“Thanks,” Jade says with a smile, and just like that it’s water under the bridge. Wyn’s smile widens too and I look back and forth between them unsure of what’s happening before me.
“Did you two just become friends?” I ask out loud, but it stayed in my head.
They both look at me with annoyed expressions. “Oh, relax Drake. Of course I’m going to befriend your new girlfriend. You’re practically my brother, besides it’s not like we’re in high school anymore. We’re all adults here, right Wyn?” Jade asks, calling her by her nickname.
“Right Jade,” Wyn agrees, and my jaw drops open in shock but not because of their sudden friendship pact but because of what Jade called her.
Girlfriend, there’s that word again. My girlfriend.
And with how Wynter’s eyes gaze into mine, it’s getting a little harder to remember it’s all pretend.
“I can’t believeyou ran naked through the gym during your high school pep rally!” Wyn shrieks, downing another shot of tequila like it’s fucking water. We’ve been at it for four hours and the bar’s almost cleared out leaving just a few of us behind as they prepare to close.
Jade pours Wyn another shot and slides it across the counter toward her, her eyes gleaming with suspicion.Is Jade trying to get her hammered? On purpose?
I have to admit I’ve met no one like Jade so I wouldn’t put it past her. The chick could drink me under the table any day and be up bright and early the next morning like it’s not a fucking big deal. I haven’t been around Wynter as much while she’s been drunk other than the time we were so fucking wasted we slept together and the night at the wedding where she was definitely not acting herself, though she sobered up really quick after the conversation we had.
But as I watch Jade and the rest of my friends stare at Wynter as she wraps her thin fingers around the glass, it all seems a little intentional. Other than Ace, who’s currently scowling at me from across the bar, no one here knows anything about who the infamous Ice Princess really is. Hell, sometimes I don’t even think I truly know the woman she’s become.
“Yup,” Jade says. “And you should have seen Principal Marshall’s face. Her mouth was literally hanging open. I swear I saw like two flies swarm in as she stared at Drake’s naked ass rushing past her.”
The incident Jade is describing was our Junior year at Pleasant Hills High and I’ll admit not my best work. Our school football team was a fucking joke but the cheer squad was even worse. I swear half of the chicks were pregnant or had recently given birth, while the others wore outfits so revealing it felt like you were watching a show from the local strip joint.
I’d lost a bet with Kai and Jax, don’t even remember what it was, and they dared me to run buck naked through the school gym during the Homecoming game pep rally. They’d suspended me for three days because of the incident but my legacy lived on and that’s all that really mattered.
“She must have been mortified,” Wyn says, before turning to look my way. She picks up the shot glass and brings it to her lips. “Then again, it’s a pretty fine ass,” she says with a wink as she tilts the shot glass slightly in a salut before shooting it back.
Jade almost spits out her drink while the rest of my friends laugh out loud surprised by Wynter’s comment. All except Ace who grunts before downing his own shot and slamming his glass down on the bar in front of Jade demanding another.
Wyn’s cheeks flush and the wanton look in her eyes as she watches me, searching for my reaction makes it almost impossible not to reach for her and throw her over my lap.
Not sure whose idea it was to play Two Truths and a Lie drinking game, but right about now I want to shove my fist up their ass for putting me through this fucking torture.
“Okay your turn,” Scar says, scooting closer to her sister-in-law. Behind her Ace groans again, glaring daggers at me as I reach for Wyn’s bar stool and pull it slightly closer to mine. I give him a littlefuck you towink and the asshole flips me off but doesn’t say a damn word.
That is as comfortable as shit is going to get between us.
Wyn wiggles closer to me, turning her attention to Scar and giving me the perfect view of her thong peeking above the waist of her jeans as she leans forward. I shift on the stool and try to adjust myself with no one noticing how fucking hard I am.
“Three statements,” Scar says, needing to once again explain the rules. “We’ll all decide which two are true and which is a lie. If we get it wrong, we drink. If we get it right, you do.”
“Okay,” Wyn agrees, placing her thumb on her chin like she’s contemplating her answers. It’s fucking adorable and I want to reach out and turn her chin toward me to place a kiss against her lips.
Where the fuck did that come from?