Page 38 of Call You Mine

My mother doesn’t hide the desire in her gaze as she checks him out right there in the middle of the restaurant, in front of me.

“Why yes, the pleasure is mine dear. Wynnie, how did you snag a man like this?” she asks, obvious distaste in her tone. Willa’s eyes sweep over Damon with apparent interest but a shark like her can smell histaintedblood from a mile away. His current bank account may rival my family's net worth, but it’s obvious to her that wasn’t always the case.

“It’s me who’s won the jackpot with this beauty, Willa,” Damon taunts, his tone deep yet playful as he notices her intent to rattle him. “But of course you know that seeing as she gets her beauty from her mother.” I roll my eyes and subtly step out of his hold annoyed by his comment.

There’s no denying my mother’s beauty but the idea of him noticing and pointing it out makes me sick to my stomach. Willa smiles, fake as she can sense his sarcasm though his act is pretty convincing.

The asshole is too damn good.

Damon sits in the seat beside me and places a hand upon my thigh making me quiver at the contact. I gasp when he slides it higher, his gaze remaining glued to my mother who watches us with suspicion. As Damon’s fingers continue to move along my skin, I realize he’s not touching me sexually. His touch serves as reassurance that he’s here, with me, as my boyfriend. To stand up for me, protect me, and be the friend he knows I need.

“So, Damon,” my mother says, being the first to cut the tension. “Since I saw you at Stella Silver’s wedding, I can’t shakethe feeling that I know you from somewhere. Have we possibly met previously?” The smirk on her face is triumphant, like she’s aware she’s caught us in a lie or up to something, but before Damon can respond, we’re interrupted.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Ace shouts as he appears with a suddenly very pregnant looking Scarlett on his arm. It’s funny how just a few days ago you could barely see the slight bump but now nearly entering her third trimester it’s more pronounced.

Ace’s eyes find Damon’s beside me when no one responds and I can see a look of triumph on my mother’s face.What the actual fuck is going on?

“Oh, my dear boy, no need to play the overprotective brother,” Willa says, picking up her dirty martini and taking a long, swift sip. “Our Wynnie here is a big girl. Hell, even you’ve made your own choice by marrying that wild young girl the Servite men were all so enamored by.”

“She’s right here mother. And not only is she my wife but the mother of my two children.”

My mother glares, annoyed by the reminder that at thirty-nine years old she will soon have two grandchildren. “Right,” Willa says, acknowledging Scarlett who’s been standing here beside my brother the entire time.

“Great, now that’s all cleared up, someone tell me what the fuck is he doing here?”

Just as Damon is about to stand to most likely beat the shit out of my brother, I move quicker, holding him down by my hand on his shoulder as I step between them.

“It’s great to see you again dear brother, and to answer your question, which is rude of you to insist on, Damon is here because he’s my boyfriend, and our dear mother invited us to lunch. By the looks of it she’s invited you and your wife as well, so instead of coming at us with your protective alpha bullshit,turn it on Willa who clearly has an agenda. Right, mother?” I ask, not bothering to look her way instead keeping my eyes on Ace’s who’s glaring at me like he wants to strangle me.

Feeling’s mutual brother.

The vein in his temple is visibly strained and pulsing, and I can almost smell the blood inside his mouth as he bites down on his tongue to hold back the colorful words I’m sure he’s about ready to spout out at me.

“Stop fucking calling him that,” Ace growls, and I can’t help but laugh at his petty bullshit.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Tell me brother what is it about my boyfriend,” I say, annunciating each syllable to make a point. “That you don’t approve of?”

I pause for effect and when Ace doesn’t reply I continue, feeling bold and not giving one fuck about the scene I may be causing. “Is it the fact he was born dirt poor and that elitist bullshit our father’s drilled into your brain? Yeah plural,” I spat out, glaring at Willa who just rolls her eyes nonchalantly. “Is it that his parents did him the favor of dropping dead instead of torturing him his entire life and haunting him from beyond the grave or a mere two feet away? Or is it you're too much of an asshole to want to see your little sister happy for the first time in her goddamn life?”

I’m shouting by this point, my lips quivering in anger and tears pricking at my eyes but I’m too damn proud to break down here in front of all these prying eyes.

Mental breakdowns are to be dealt with in private, and I keep forgetting that.

“It’s the fact that he’s screwed my wife!” Ace snaps back at me and I swear I hear the entire restaurant gasp in horror. Well done, brother. Way to one up your neurotic sister.

“Ace,” Scarlett murmurs horrified at the same time Ace’s face drops, visibly regretting what he’s just said. Too fucking late.Damon immediately stands and nearly shoves me out of the way before grabbing my brother by the collar of his dress shirt.

“You’ve got some fucking nerve Servite,” Damon growls, looking equally full of rage.

“Get your hands off me Drake,” Ace utters calmly though his glare is dark and demanding. But it’s obvious my brother’s realized the scene he’s just caused and is trying to prevent a full out brawl from breaking out.

“You don’t get to waltz in here like a fucking saint and treat my girlfriend like she’s a piece of gum beneath your shoes or some dirty whore for fucking me. Need I remind you it was you who fucked my girlfriend, not the other way around.”

“Drake, please.” This time it’s Scarlett who pleads for them to stop, placing a hand on Ace’s shoulder.

I do the same to Damon, though we’re all taken by surprise when Willa claps loudly, comfortably leaning back in her chair like she’s just watched an Oscar awarded performance. Her black dress hitches up her crossed leg, while her red lips turn upward in a wide smile.

“Bravo, my children,” she says, looking damn pleased with herself. “This was better than I could have ever imagined our little reunion would be.”