He lets out an infuriating chuckle but doesn’t get up. “You figured it out, then.”
“Yeah, the moment you started calling me names.”
He shrugs. “Sorry. Can’t seem to help myself around you.”
“I thought you were someone else. That’s assault!” I spit at him. “Don’t you Vipers know anything about consent?”
He smirks at me. “Seems you were consenting just fine when you were groaning and telling me how hard my cock was.”
I grab my pillow, forgetting that the file is under there, and launch it at him. “Get the fuck out of my room, Saint. You got in here on false pretenses.”
He bats the pillow away. “Why, because you thought I was my brother?”
“Of course I did. You deliberately deceived me! You drew a fucking mole on your neck, and look at how you’re dressed. You’re wearing his clothes.” He’s even wearing Lex’s watch. Another thought occurs to me. “Does Lex know about this? Is he in on it?”
Saint snorts. “Of course he doesn’t know, but don’t believe for one second that Lex is some good guy.”
Saint is right. Lex was the one who blackmailed me into going to their mansion in the first place. He could have just let me go, but instead he created a situation where he and his friends all got off. Okay, maybe I got off too…more than once…a lot more, but that’s not the point. Just because he made me orgasm and said pretty words in my ear doesn’t make him the nice one.
None of them is nice. Zane is dangerous and quiet. Unpredictable. And Saint and Lex are two of the most screwed up individuals I’ve ever met.
Do you know my sister?I want to scream.Have you played these twisted games with her too?
“Get out,” I yell. “I mean it. Get the fuck out of my room.”
He sits up and hooks his arms around his shins. “But we were getting on so well. Why spoil it just ’cause of a little mix-up. I mean, I never actually said I was Lex. You just assumed it.”
“You drew a mole on your neck.” I’m still furious.
“No, I didn’t. Must have been a speck of chocolate or something.”
Does he actually expect me to believe that?
He rubs his crotch and grins at me. “Bet you’re still wet, you little cock hungry slut.”
Fury boils inside me and spills out like corrosive lava. I scream at him, my voice loud enough to travel to the other dorms. “Get out, you piece of shit. I mean it.”
He sighs and stands as if this is just a casual conversation we’re having. He cracks his neck, one way and then the other. “Fine, I’m leaving, but this isn’t the end, Venom. I’ve decided I want you, and I always get what I want.”
With that, he throws me a wink, strolls casually across the room, and lets himself out.
I throw myself back onto my bed and let out a scream of frustration.
The day has been a headache from beginning to end. When Saint wanders into my room grinning like the Cheshire Cat, I sigh inwardly.
I love my twin, but some days I don’t want to deal with him.
“What are you grinning at?”
“I’ve got some information,” he singsongs.
“So? Spill.”
He leans against my desk and crosses his arms over his chest. The action draws my attention to what he’s wearing. My clothes. My gaze immediately snaps to his neck, looking for the fake mole. It’s mostly gone, smeared off, but there’s still a smudge.