I’m going to cry, properly cry. I feel so used, but have I been? If we are talking about who got the most out of that, it was definitely me. Three orgasms to their one each? I wasn’t the used one. In fact, they gave me more pleasure than I’ve ever had in my life, but they made me feel dirty.
Or rather,hedid.Saint.The most ironically named person ever. He’s the fucking devil. I can’t believe I actually liked him. I want to scratch his eyes out and punch that sneer from his face. Instead, I let Lex lead me out of the room, my head down.
“I’ll get you cleaned up, Venom,” Lex says softly.
It seems that is my name now. Venom, not very fitting. I thinkpunching bagwould be a better nickname after what I’ve just been through.
Lex’s hand is warm in mine, and he squeezes once. He takes me into a bathroom. The paint is peeling, but it has a kind of old-world charm because the suite is in good condition and is pretty. The tub is a freestanding clawfoot one, and it’s huge, and there’s a more modern shower in the corner.
“We put the shower in, so it works properly,” Lex says.
He takes a lighter out of his pocket and starts to light the candles placed around the room. Soon, it’s glowing with alovely warm ambience, and a pleasant scent fills the air. Scented candles? They’ve definitely brought women here before.
The jealousy that bites at me surprises me with its ferocity. Did they give them pet names too? Although Venom is a hell of a pet name.
Lex turns on the shower, and after a few moments, puts his hand under the water. Seemingly happy that it’s the right temperature, he shucks his clothes off. I startle, and he smiles softly.
“Just going to help clean you up, baby,” he says. “That’s all. I don’t want to get my clothes wet, though.”
I should tell him I can clean myself up, but I’m so exhausted and so confused that I let him get naked and lead me under the water.
I’m facing him with my back to the spray. It runs over me, washing me clean of all the sinning I’ve just done.
My gaze wanders over Lex. He’s strong and fit, with lean muscles and perfect skin. He and Saint look like they’ve fallen off the cover of a magazine. Zane looks like the juiced baddy in a comic book. What a trio they make.
He takes the cap off a bottle and pours some of the liquid into his palm, and then he begins to smooth his hands over me. He gently cleanses me. Even when he runs his hands over my breasts, he doesn’t make it sexual. He’s being respectful, and gentle, but I’m so primed from all the orgasms that I still respond. My nipples harden painfully under his touch, and he smiles. It’s not the disdainful smirk of Saint, but a genuine smile.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
I blink in surprise and nod. Even through all three orgasms, none of them kissed me—on the mouth, anyway. He places a hand on each cheek and gently pulls my face to his. His lips are soft and warm, and he tastes of vodka and lemons. The kiss isdelicious, and I close my eyes as I let it wash over me the way the water is.
This is intimate. Much more intimate than his cock in my mouth.
When he breaks off the kiss, never having tried to use his tongue, he takes a soft washcloth and gently wipes my face. I realize he’s wiping his twin’s cum from me, and I feel that shame again.
The tears start, and I blink them away, not wanting them to fall. I can save that for when I get back to my room.
“You’re so pretty when you cry,” he says softly. “You know he likes it, right? That you were perfect for him?”
I shake my head, angry now. “He likes humiliating me and degrading me.”
“Did he succeed?”
“He called me a whore.”
“Yet he made you come. We all did. Three times. We worshipped you.” He shrugs. “It’s his thing. It’s a game. He gets off on it. You made a deal, and you upheld your end. I think we’d all like to do this again, but if you’re not down for it just because Saint uses some words that you think are bad, then you don’t have to come here again.”
“I fucking won’t come here again,” I say. “It’s not okay what he did.”
“Did he hurt you?” Lex asks mildly. “You didn’t tell us to stop.”
“As if you would have,” I say. “I won’t come here again because this already got out of control, and if it happens again, it might get even worse, and I can’t be sure it will stop.”
“I can stop it,” he says. He tips my chin up. “Vani, our pretty little poison, I promise you, I can stop it. If I tell them to, they will.”