I flinch. Of course, I know what this place is, but the way he saysthatorganization’s name so casually niggles me.
I swallow hard. He has a slight lilt to his accent, so maybe he’s part of that organization himself “Are you Italian?” I ask.
“Merde,” he mutters. “You insult me. French.” Then he holds out his hand. “Enchante.”
I take up the handshake, and his grip is firm but gentle, his fingers warm. Oh, this guy is a charmer. He’d charm the birds from the trees at the same time as your panties were dropping.
“Parlez-vous français?”
“Non,” I reply with a small laugh of my own. “I understand a few phrases, though.”
I realize we are still holding hands and snatch mine back. “I better be going,” I say. “Umm, good to meet you …”
“Saint,” he supplies.
Saint?Is that a French thing? I keep my question to myself.
“Good to meet you, Saint.” I go to turn away, but his voice stops me.
“Wait, what’s your name?” he asks.
“Ivani,” I say. His brow furrows a little. Anyone would think my name had twenty syllables. “Vani with a V is just fine, though.”
“Nice meeting you, Vani with a V.”
I walk away, and I can’t help the smile on my face. I met the asshole twin earlier, but his brother is a gorgeous charmer, andseeing those kinds of looks used by a guy who knows how to work them is quite the experience.
I wonder how much I will see of the twins during my time here. I bet together they are a real force to be reckoned with.
She walks off, her ass swaying. She’s fucking delicious. Those tits. Damn.
I’d walked up on her as she was sitting up and got a view right down her cleavage. They’re so big and juicy, like her ass. Natural, too.Nom de Dieu, I want to play with her. I bet she’d look amazing tied up, all that flesh bulging between the ropes.
Rope play is one of my twin’s favorite things, and it looks so good against soft curves. The way the rope indents the skin is way hotter when you’ve got plenty to work with.
I’m hard as a rock as I watch her go, and it takes me a lot of willpower not to chase her down and tackle her to the forest floor. I’ve not felt such a visceral reaction to a woman in a long time. It sounds like Lex didn’t like her much, though. Although, he’s like that with most people.
He’s the moodier one of the two of us in general because he’s less patient and it comes across as him being an asshole. I might seem like the friendlier one, but when we play, and we do play together sometimes, he’s the softer of us. I find it much easier to be fun on the surface, but my darkness runs deep. There’ve been a few times he’s stopped me from going too far with my fantasies.The fucker.I laugh to myself. I wonder if little-miss-big-tits is as innocent and sheltered as most of the other women here. She certainly doesn’t look it, but appearances can be deceiving. Verity looks innocent, but she’s hardly a good girl.
Look at that Duchess girl, too. She reminds me of some stuck-up Hamptons princess, and yet she’s been dicking all three of those loser Devils. You can’t tell by looking at a woman what she’s like between the sheets.
I want to find out more about the new girl, so I take out my phone and type a message.
I hit send to both Lex and Zane.
A few seconds later, my phone buzzes. It’s from Zane.
That gives me pause. One of them dared threaten Zane? What the fuck were they thinking? Not that it will stop me. In fact, the danger only makes her more enticing.
I hit send.