"I never noticed you? Are you kidding me? Why'd you think you got the job?"

"Because I was a plain Jane, and you didn't have to worry that I was going to come on to you."

I stare at her and shake my head. "You really think that?"

She frowns. "I mean, you always told everyone that you're glad that you had me as an assistant because I would never come on to you, and I would never expect anything.”

“But that had nothing to do with how much I was attracted to you, how much I wanted you. Yes, you are absolutely stunning and gorgeous now. But you were always beautiful to me. I mean, maybe I didn’t notice just how beautiful and funny you were at first, but it became apparent to me very quickly.”

“Really?” She grasps my face. “You mean that?”

“I mean it, Juniper. I love you.” My mouth presses together quickly as her eyes widen.

“You mean youthinkyou love me? You’re falling for me, perhaps?"

"No," I say, shaking my head. "I think I was saying that I was falling for you because I don't even know how to process the fact that I've already fallen. I love you, Juniper Hardman. I want you. I need you. And I will wait for you for however long it takes."

"You mean for sex?" She grins. "So if I said I changed my mind about tonight..."

"If you change your mind, then I'm okay with that. I mean, I'd be slightly disappointed, but..."

"I haven't changed my mind." She giggles. "I love you, too. And now, take me, you handsome stud. Because I'm ready and waiting. This has already been the best night of my life, and I want it to become even better."

"You don't have to tell me again," I say as I pick her up and carry her toward the bedroom.

My heart races with love for her, even though there's uncertainty in my stomach. I'm nervous, maybe even more nervous than when I took the LSAT or when we started the law firm. More nervous than when I realized I had a child. I'm scared, but not because I love her, but because I don't know what I would do if I ever lost her. And I don't know how to process that. I've never loved another person romantically before, so I’ve never had to worry that the love would fade, but I know that I would do whatever it takes to keep Juniper in my life.

As I lay her down on my bed and look down into her sweet smile and beguiling eyes, I know that I don't want to let this woman go. I don't want her to just be my assistant, my friend, or my girlfriend. I know that I want this woman to be my wife. I want her to be mine forever. And I’m going to let her know in no uncertain terms that what we have is forever.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Remington stares down at me. His eyes are fiery and passionate, and I feel my entire body tremble as he lies down next to me. "You look stunning, Juniper," he says, as he touches the side of my face gingerly. "I wasn't going to say this, because I wasn't sure if you would believe me, but you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life."

"Wow. I wanted a makeover to turn me into a swan, but I didn't know it would go this well."

He chuckles as he reaches over and pulls my skirt off. "I thought you were gorgeous even before this makeover." I look at him and nod gently because it's true. I'd always seen the passion that he had for me before I changed how I looked. I just didn't believe it. Maybe I didn't want to believe it. Maybe I didn’t have the self-confidence, but I know that the way he is looking at me has nothing to do with the makeover.

"So, you really like me, huh?" I grin at him as he pulls off my top so that I'm lying here in my bra and panties.

"I think I like you more than you know."

I pout at him. "Really? You just like me?"

"You know I love you, Juniper," he says as he presses his lips against mine. I feel his fingers slide into my panties, and he rubs me gently. I moan slightly as he brushes my clit roughly. "Fuck, I love the noises that you make. They turn me on so much," he growls in my ear. I reach over and unbutton his shirt.

"Take it off," I say.

"Ooh, who's being demanding?" he says, as he sits up and quickly unbuttons his shirt. I watch as he throws it to the ground.

"Now your pants." I grin at him, and he chuckles as he stands up and pulls them off. He's only wearing a pair of black boxers now. I can see his cock outlined in the fabric, thick and hard, waiting for me.

"Shall I take these off, as well?" he says, his fingers in the waistband, and I shake my head.

"Not yet." I grab his arm and pull him back down onto the bed, and he growls as he pulls me into his arms and kisses me hard. I feel his fingers on my back running up and down. They're in my hair. His lips are on my neck. His legs are intertwined with mine.

"You are so beautiful, and tonight you will be mine," he says in a deep voice.