"So, what are you saying, that now I look old and promiscuous?”
I start chuckling then. “Well, that’s not exactly what I was going to say, but...”
“But what? That’s what you’re thinking?”
“Not at all. I know you’re not promiscuous. You’ve never even had sex.”
“I mean, after tonight, those words won't be true." She licks her lips nervously.
"Perhaps they won't, or perhaps they will," I say, handing her a glass of wine. "Let's not rush into anything."
She blinks slowly as she takes a sip of the wine. "This is really good."
"I'm glad you like it. I picked it up in Napa Valley a couple of years ago, but was saving it for a special occasion.”
“Oh, my gosh," she says, pulling the glass away from her mouth. "This wasn't expensive, was it?"
"I'm not going to tell you how much it cost, but let's just say you're not going to find it at Trader Joe's for twenty dollars."
"You really didn't have to open a bottle of expensive wine for me."
"I opened it for us, and tonight is a special occasion." I take a sip of the wine, close my eyes, and enjoy the tannins and the berry flavors as they go down my throat smoothly. "I am glad you're here. Canyon really likes you."
"I like her, as well. She's a really cool kid."
"When I first met her, I thought she was shy," I say. "And then when her mom left, she tried to hit me up for a hundred bucks, and I was panicking thinking I had some psychopath as a child, but I think she was just testing me to see what I would do and how I would react. And now it's almost like she's always been in my life. I can't even imagine a time without her. Does that make sense?"
She nods slowly. "It does. She's a part of you. I mean, she's literally half you."
"Which is crazy," I say. "I never wanted a kid, but I couldn't imagine not having Canyon."
"Canyon's lucky to have you as a father."
"Do you really think so?" I say the words lightly, but her answer matters to me. I don't know why I am so concerned by what she thinks about me, but I want her to have a good opinion.I want her to think that I'm the sort of man that... I pause from my thoughts. I don't know why I'm thinking this way.
"I think you're an amazing father, and you're an amazing boss, and I hope you'll be an amazing lover."
"Are you just here because you want me to take your flower?"
"I don't have a flower." She grins. "But I do have my virginity. And don’t worry, I’m not going to make you marry me.” She grins.
“I didn’t know that was a thing.”
“Haven’t you ever heard of men who take women’s virginities having to marry them?”
“No. Normally it’s men who knock a lady up, and well, unknowingly, I knocked up Karen, and I’m definitely not marrying her.”
“So, if you knocked me up, you wouldn't marry me?"
She gives me a small smile, but I can't help but wonder if she's being serious.
"I think if you became pregnant with my child, I would propose," I say in all seriousness, and she gasps.
"What? Why?"
"Because I know you, and I know a life with you would be"—I lick my lips as I step forward—"quite enjoyable." I watch as she swallows hard. She doesn't say anything in response, and I'm glad she doesn't. There's a magnetism between us, something in the air that feels otherworldly, and I don't want to break it. I grab her hand and take the wineglass and place it on the countertop. "Would you like to dance?" I ask her softly.
"Sure," she says.