“Yeah, true.” I grimace. “I'm a notetaker. Just what I wanted to do in life.”
She grins. “How is your book going, by the way? You haven’t spoken about it recently.”
“It’s going really well. Actually, Remington was telling me that Canyon is interested in being a writer. And so, I think next week, I’m going to take her on a little adventure to the library and borrow some books. And maybe write a short story with her at a café or something, see how she likes it.”
She stares at me and presses her lips together.
“What? Why are you looking like that?”
“You're going to have a mommy and me play date with Canyon?”
“It's not a mommy and me playdate. I'm not her mom.”
“I know, but doesn't that seem weird to you? Canyon is your boss's daughter. He's not your boyfriend. He’s not even your best friend. You're going to take his daughter out to teach her how to write and get books at the library? Like, what sort of relationship is this?”
“It's a relationship where an assistant cares very much for her boss and his new daughter and wants to ensure that—" I pause at the look she's giving me.
“I don't really understand why he wants me to do this, but I am happy to because I like Canyon. And just because Remington is confusing and bossy and constantly tries to get me to do work that I don't think is part of my job description, doesn't mean I'm going to make her suffer. Plus, I've always wanted to teach creative writing. Like, if I had the money, I would go and get an MFA. I'd love to teach English or creative writing at a college.”
“So, why don't you do that?” She looks at me seriously. “If that’s really a dream of yours.”
“Because I need money to pay for an MFA. And I need money to live and pay my bills. And I think it's really hard to get a job at a university or a college, especially teaching English. I think I probably realistically need a PhD, and I don't know that I have it in me to get a PhD.”
“So, you will just stay here, working for the rest of your life?”
“Obviously, that's not the plan. But if I can finish this first romantasy book, then maybe I can get an agent. And if it sells really well, then who knows what could happen?”
“Yeah, that's true. I bet you it will go gangbusters. You could be the next Sarah J. Maas.”
“I mean, I don't know about that, but it would be cool.” I look at my watch. “Okay, I have been here chit-chatting for way too long. Best get back to my desk. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”
“I’m looking forward to it, as well,” I say with a huge grin.
“You don’t have to thank me yet. You haven’t seen your new look yet, but I’m sure it’s going to be great.”
I head back to my desk, sipping my coffee, and look into the office. Remington is not there. I feel a slight twitch of disappointment, but I let it pass as I sit down. “You need to stop crushing on Remington,” I mumble to myself. “Focus on Marco.” And while I’ve been pretending to be really excited to Lila and Skye, I’m not super-duper stoked to go on a date with Marco. It isn't because I don't find him attractive, because I do. And it isn't because I think he has a bad personality, because I didn't really know his personality, other than from the restaurant. It’s because I don't feel that spark. And I know I don't feel that spark because I have that spark for Remington, and I hate it. I want to extinguish the fire that I feel for my boss. I hate the fact that I’m such a monogamous, one-eyed woman. I hate the fact that I don't seem capable of having a crush or being interested in two men at the same time.
“Hey there, Juniper. How's it going?” I look up and see Liam Gallagher standing next to the desk, his eyes narrowed as he takes me in.
“Oh, great, thanks.” I nod. “How are you liking New York?”
“It's always a fun time when I'm in New York,” he responds. “I am grateful that you guys had an open office so that I can work here for the next six months. I don't suppose you'd allow me to poach you from Remington?” He leans down and gazes at me intently.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you don't want to be my assistant, do you?” He is serious. "I need a hard worker like you on my team. I have a lot of important deals that I'm working on."
“I'm going to be here tonight to help, but I work for Remington. You're interviewing for an assistant on Monday, right?”
“Yeah, but the interviews could be for Remington instead. I know you. I've worked with you, albeit via the Internet and phone calls, but you're a very good assistant. You're great at your job.”
I blushed slightly. “Well, thank you, Mr. Gallagher, but I am Remington’s assistant. And I think you'll find that HR will be able to find you a more than adequate assistant to work with.”
“I’m sure they will. I had to shoot my shot, right?”