"What did he ask you?" She pauses. "Did he ask you to step on him in stilettos?"
"No... plus wouldn't that hurt?"
"That's the point, right?” She looks thoughtful for a moment. “Actually wait, maybe that’s more of a masochist thing. Like the Marquis de Sade.”
"I guess so, but no, he didn't ask me that."
"Did he ask you to pee on him?"
"Skye! What are you talking about?"
"I'm just trying to guess. Tell me."
"Well, we were chatting, and then out of nowhere, he was like, ‘Do you prefer the hand or the belt?’” I press my lips together as my heart races. I don't know why I'm feeling so hot and bothered, but anytime I think of Remington, I get slightly turned on.
“The what or the what?” It's her turn to look confused. "You said that so fast that I didn't understand you."
“The hand,” I say lifting up my hand, “or”, I speak slowly, “the belt?”
“The hand or the belt,” she repeats. And then her eyes go wide, and she starts giggling loudly. “Holy smokes, Batman.” She licks her lips. “No way did stiff old Remington Parker say that. Why did he ask you this?” She looks thoughtful. "Did he want to spank you?"
“I mean, I don't think he was asking me, asking me. There is no way in hell that I would let him spank me. I think he was trying to get a reaction out of me. Maybe see if he could outrage me.” I shrug. “It was kind of weird, you know. A part of me thought maybe he was flirting, but I don't think he was. Not really.”
“He is so into you. He wants you badly,” Skye says emphatically. “Where the hell is Lila? We need her feedback. I bet she will agree with me.”
“I think she said she would be here in thirty minutes.” I pick up my phone. “And that was seventeen minutes ago, so she should be here soon.”
“She is going to absolutely die when she hears that Remington Parker wants to spank you.”
“No,” I say quickly. “You're twisting my words, Skye. He doesn't want to spank me. He just?—”
“He wants you, girl. You may or may not see that, but I definitely do. I know men like I know the back of my hand.” She stares at the back of her hand and nods. "That man wants you bad. He's probably into butts. I always used to think most guys were boob guys, but a lot of them are into butts. I think that's why they like doggy-style so much."
“You know what? I never really got that saying,” I say, changing the subject. I do not want to think of myself on my knees with Remington Parker behind me.
“What do you mean? You never got what saying?”
“That saying that you know something like the back of your hand. I mean, do you really know the back of your hand?”
She stares at me and blinks. “You know what? Let me see." She closes her eyes and starts laughing. "I can't even picture the back of my hand.” She opens her eyes and nods her head. “So, I guess that means I don't know men very well.”
“Do any of us really know men? I mean, we think we do, but then they go and say or do something really stupid, which makes us question everything we thought we knew.”
“That is true,” she says, nodding. “Did I tell you about what Kingston did last week?” She pauses. “Anyway, let's wait till Lila gets here, and then we can dish all the gossip. By the way, does this weekend still work for you?” she asks excitedly.
“Yeah, you mean for the makeover?”
She nods. “Yes, for the makeover. You are going to look like a million bucks.”
“But what if I want to look like a billion bucks?”
“I mean, I can't promise that.” She giggles. “I am not Elon Musk. Though I wouldn't mind some of his money, even though I don't want him.” We both burst out laughing, then I take another sip of my water.
“Where are our drinks? They are taking forever.” I look around for the waiter.
“I know,” she says. “It does not take that long to make strawberry margaritas.”
“No, it doesn’t. And I’m kind of hungry,” I say, rubbing my stomach. “We’re going to share a pizza, right?”