"Yeah. Karen has made sure to call several times today, and they have really long conversations. I know they miss each other, but it's been okay so far."
"See? Plus, sometimes it's good for a girl to have her dad. She gets to have this one-on-one time with you. Make up for lost time when you weren't in her life." I think about my own father then. I feel bad that I've missed our date. I'll call him when I leave the restaurant. Maybe see if he wants to go to dinner.
"Hey, you look like your brain went a million miles away. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, sorry. I was just thinking about my dad. I was supposed to grab lunch with him yesterday, but you know, I went to help you, and I missed it.”
“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to interfere with your plans. Though, I’m very grateful that you made the time for me.”
“You’re welcome, even though I’m surprised you didn’t call one of your many women friends.”
“Oh, no way," he says quickly. "Definitely not."
"Why not?" I ask, teasing him, wondering if it's because he just feels a closer connection to me. Maybe the sparks I'm feeling are real. Maybe.
"I wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea," he says, interrupting my giddy thoughts.
"What do you mean, the wrong idea?"
"You know what I mean. I don't want them thinking I'm looking for a wife to help take care of my kid." He shudders. "I mean, you're my assistant. You know the deal."
"The deal?" I repeat, my heart thudding, but no longer in the excited way.
"I mean, you're doing this because you're going to see extra money in your paycheck, not because you think it's going to lead to some sort of engagement or wedding to me." He chuckles and then sips on his beer. "We both know where we stand. I'm the boss, you're my employee, and you're helping me out. Any other woman would think that I was potentially trying to see if they could be Canyon's new stepmom, and that is definitely not on the table."
"Of course, not. I would not be here if you were looking for a wife," I say quickly, feeling embarrassed and slightly overwhelmed by his words. I feel like an idiot. He's very clearly put me in my place, delineating the lines between us. I am just his employee, and he is my employer. That's all it's ever going to be. The looks I thought he was giving me, those moments we had, they were nothing. And I feel stupid for even thinking for one second that there was potential chemistry between us. I take a huge bite of my burger and try to enjoy the taste of the meat, even though I'm no longer hungry.
"But I was thinking that perhaps we could..." he says, and then he pauses. "No, you wouldn't be interested."
"Interested in what?" I ask, hoping he doesn't notice my deflated tone.
"Maybe you'd like to go to a movie with me and Canyon next week?"
"I don't know." I shake my head. Why would I go to a movie with them? "I probably have to do something with my dad, and I may have a date.”
“Oh?” He looks taken aback. “A date with whom?”
“You know, one of my many men from online dating,” I lie.
“But aren’t you worried he’s going to be a loser, too?"
"No, I think I can hope that the tides have changed, and I'll meet a nice guy."
"Maybe," he says softly."Maybe you will. Is that what you're looking for, then?”
“Iswhatwhat I’m looking for?” I ask him, taking another bite of my burger.
“Are you looking for a nice guy? Or do you like those bad boys?”
I blink at him."We're not talking about my dating life again, are we?"
"I'm curious. You're always so quiet and shy and demure in the office, and I guess I want to know what sort of man you like to date, Juniper."
"I mean, I'm not into bad boys, if that's what you're asking."
"No, I didn't think you would be. You seem to be the sort that's into a teacher or perhaps an economist."
"What?" I stare at him. "What do you mean?"