Canyon nods. "Yeah. I want to go on a plane. Mommy said that you might fly me first class."
"She did, did she?"
I look over at Karen, and she grins. "Hey, I googled you. You're rich. You can afford first class for yourself and a little kid."
"True. Also, we should speak about child support," I say in a lower voice. "And any back support I owe."
"I know you're good for it." She grins and nods. "I will have my attorney get in contact with you or someone else?"
"With me. I'm my own attorney. I mean, I do work at a law firm."
"True." She laughs. "I mean, I don't even have an attorney yet, so if you want to write something up, I will tell you if I think it's agreeable."
"I can do that," I say. "In fact, I can ask one of my partners to act as your attorney to ensure that you're getting a good deal."
"Okay. I mean for free, or…?"
"For free," I say. "I just don't want you to think that I am writing out something that you don't understand or you're not agreeable with."
"I know. We may have only had one spectacular night together, but I know you cared about my pleasure, not just yours." She winks and then bites down on her lower lip. She leans forward and whispers in my ear. "I can still remember your tongue inside of me." She blows and then nibbles on my earlobe. "Sometimes when I'm horny and masturbate, I think about you inside of me, fucking me until I came, and then I think about the way I rode you and how big you were. Shit," she says. "Maybe I want to ride you again." She steps back slightly and licks her lips.
Canyon makes a face. "Mommy, I'm hot. You were pressed up against me as you were whispering into Daddy’s ear.”
“I was just telling him what you like to eat,” Karen says, winking at me. “And reminding him what he liked to eat. Wasn’t I?”
She licks her lips again, and I just nod. As much as I love Canyon and want to get to know her, I definitely do not want to go back down that road with Karen.
"You know what? I do like tasty meals," I say. "Are you hungry, Canyon?"
"I would love a burger and fries and a milkshake. Can I have a milkshake, Mommy?"
"You can. I mean, if your dad says it's okay."
"I don't see why not," I say. "Would you like to join us, Karen?"
She looks at me for a few seconds and then shakes her head. "Unfortunately, I still have to pack and get ready. The Great Boudini wants me to pick some stuff up at CVS." She wrinkles her nose. "A lot of Pepto-Bismol and Immodium. He gets the runs in foreign countries supposedly."
"Well, that sounds like a delight," I say, and she frowns.
"Yeah. Not the most enjoyable part of my job. There's nothing like being stuck in a small car with a man that farts all the time."
"Yeah, that doesn't sound too enjoyable."
"I constantly have to tell him that maybe he shouldn't eat so much Mexican food. He loves his beans."
I press my lips together, and she chuckles. "Well, anyway, come on, Canyon. Give Mommy a big hug and a kiss.”
I let Canyon down, and she runs over to her mom and wraps her little arms around her mom's legs. Karen picks her up and holds her tight and swings her around.
"I love you, my darling Canyon. You be good for your daddy, and I will call you tonight."
"Okay, Mommy," Canyon says, with a small nod. "I'm going to have so much fun with Daddy.”
“Yes, you will. Okay, well, I guess this is my cue to leave. Don’t forget, her bag's downstairs in the lobby."
"Sounds good," I say, nodding. I step forward and hold my hand out awkwardly to Karen.
"Your hand?" she says, chuckling as she grabs me and pulls my face to hers and gives me a big, sloppy kiss. She presses her body against mine and reaches her hand down and squeezes my ass. She rubs her belly next to my groin area and pulls back. “Someone feels happy to see me.” She winks at me and gives me another slobbery kiss. “Okay, I should go now.”