Lila stares at me, at Skye, and then looks back at me again. “You're crazy, right? You do know that Remington would be the luckiest man in the world to have someone like you. Physically, you're stunning. Inside, you're beautiful. And once we've given you this makeover, you are going to look like an A-list star, believe you me." She stares at my face and smiles as she studiesmy features. "Remington's jaw is going to be hanging to the ground when we are done with you.”

I giggle slightly. “I mean, I would love to see him with his jaw on the ground.”

“He is going to be begging you for a date,” Skye adds. “In fact, when he asks you out, I want you to make me one promise.”

“What's that?”

“I want you to make him work for it.”

“Work for what?”

“You know what I mean,” she says, winking.

“What are you talking about?” Lila grabs my glass and takes a sip of my margarita. She groans in satisfaction as she hands me back the glass. "Okay, I need five of them. Stat."

“I’m talking about the spanking,” Skye says loudly as she spanks her hand. "Oh, spank me, Daddy. I've been a bad girl."

"Skye!" I exclaim in shock. "Stop it."

Lila looks at us confused. “What is going on here? Who is spanking who?”

"Remington wants Juniper on her knees and over his lap," Skye adds with a grin. "And I just want to remind her that when he asks her out on that date, he doesn't have to be the one in charge."

Chapter Fourteen


“Daddy, can you read me a story, please?” Canyon looks up at me from my bed, her eyes half closed. I can tell that she is tired, but she’s not ready to sleep yet. She reminds me of myself when I was a kid. Always wanting to be involved, even as a youngster.

“What story would you like me to read?” I ask her, sitting at the edge of the bed. I touch her face gently, and she gazes up at me with such love and devotion in her eyes that I make a promise to myself that I will always be there to protect her. She's my little girl. My daughter. I feel ashamed for having required so many DNA tests before I met her. I feel ashamed for not wanting to meet her right away. I hope I haven't damaged her emotionally. I hope she doesn't feel rejected or less than. I hope she knows that I would do anything for her.

“Um,Harry Potter, please?” She points her little finger like it's a wand.

“I don’t know,” I say, pausing, trying to remember what I know about the books. “You may be a little young forHarry Potter. I will have to check the age range for the books.”

I sound like a dad. A real adult. How did I get here? I think of Juniper and how she had faith in the fact that I'd be a good dad from the beginning. I think of her blue eyes. The coquettish looks she gives me. I wish she was here, and immediately, a cloud of confusion hits me. I have entered a strange world, and I do not know the layout at all.

“But Mommy reads meHarry Potterall the time.” Canyon pouts. “I love it.” She reaches over and grabs my hand. “And I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you, too, Canyon.” I say the words. They sound foreign coming from my mouth. I look down at my daughter, at her small face, her big brown eyes, and her hair splayed across the pillowcase. She gives me the sweetest smile, and my heart melts again. I feel like I'm a father in a Christmas movie. This moment is almost too good to be true.

“Do you love me enough to give me a hundred dollars?” Canyon grins cheekily, and I burst out laughing. I love that she's not some cookie-cutter perfect daughter. That would make me feel like I had to be the perfect dad, and I know that even on my best day, I can never be perfect. I'll never be the perfect dad or boss, but I can try my best. I want to give Canyon all the love I never really felt from my dad. He was there for me. Provided for me. But we never had that father-son relationship that made me feel like I was his whole world.

“Canyon, we don’t just keep asking for money.” I don't want to tell her off, but I want to teach her right from wrong.

“But I want to get this shell necklace that I saw, and?—”

“Canyon, I thought you wanted a story more than money?”

“I do want a story, but I want a hundred dollars, as well.” She folds her arms together. “Why can’t I get a hundred dollars? Last time I asked, you only gave me $20.”

“Are you going to be some sort of grifter or gambler?” I ask her. She looks at me with a blank expression. I know that she doesn't know what those words mean. “You have to work for money, Canyon. You are far too young to need a hundred dollars.”

“I bet you Juniper would give me the money if I asked her.”

“I doubt it very much,” I say. My mind drifts to my assistant again. “But do you know what she might do?”
