Hey, there's been a slight change of plans, but we'll chat soon.I stare at the email for a couple of moments, then stand up and grab my cell phone. I call Liam to see what the change of plans are.

"Hey!" he says. "Morning, slacker."

"Morning, Liam. What's going on?"

"I sent you an email."

"Yes, but your email wasn't informative. We were meant to have a call in about ten minutes about the Montague hotels, right?"

"Yes, we were," he says. "But there's been a slight change of plans."

"So, are we still having the call or not?” I ask him.

“No, but we will be chatting in your office in about five minutes?" he says. "My taxi just dropped me off outside. I just need to get through security, and I'll be up."

"You're in New York? I thought you were still in London, closing the Instinct deal, and you had to be there."

"Things have changed," he says, sighing. "I'm gonna be in New York for the next six months."

"Oh, I had no idea."

"Yeah, and I actually need a favor from you.”

“You do?”

“I kind of need some office space that’s not in my building.”

“Oh, and you'd like to set up an office here?"

"If you’ve got a spare office and an assistant, that would be great,"

"You know, I'm sure we can find something for you. I will have to speak to the other partners, but I think it'll be fine."

"I do bring in $50 million to your law firm each year."

"I'm pretty sure it will be fine," I say, chuckling. "Do you need a coffee or a bag or anything? Do you want me to have something prepared for you when you get up here?"

"We'll figure it out when I get there. I'll speak to you in a second." He hangs up, and I turn the cell phone over and place it on the desk. Juniper walks back with Canyon, chewing on a donut. She gives me a little wave and then takes a seat. I head out to the door. “So, there's actually been a change of plans,” I say, looking at Juniper.

"Oh? What do you mean?" She frowns slightly as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"Well, there you are, Remington," Liam says in his very distinct and smooth British accent. Juniper looks up at him, her eyes widening as he heads towards us in his navy blue power suit and crisp white shirt. He looks like a cross between an action movie star and a boxer, and I can see Juniper's eyes widening. He takes a look at her and smiles. "You must be the famous—or should I say infamous—Juniper that I've spoken to on the phone so many times?"

"Yes, I am. Who are you?" she asks, looking confused.

"I'm Liam, Liam Gallagher." He holds out his hand. "Nice to make your acquaintance."

"Oh, my gosh, you're Liam Gallagher?" She blinks. "I thought you were, like, sixty."

He chuckles slightly. "Do I sound like I'm sixty?"

"No, but..."

"But what?"

"I guess I just assumed you were older because you own so many businesses, and you're so..." She pauses and blushes.

"I'm so what? Ridiculously good-looking?" he asks.