"What's a breakfast smoothie?" Canyon says, rushing over to me. “Like a strawberry milkshake? I prefer chocolate milkshakes, but…"
"Unfortunately, no, it's not a milkshake, darling." I pause as she grimaces. "It's a little healthier for you and full of nutrients that will..." I notice that Juniper is listening, and she winks at me. I grin back at her. I could get used to these secret glances. "We’ll call it a milkshake if you want. We can add milk and strawberries and some ice, and we'll add chia seeds and spinach and..."
"Yucky. Spinach." Canyon pretends that she's puking. "I don't like spinach at all. It is so gross."
"But don't you want to be strong?"
She blinks as she looks up at me like I'm crazy. "No."
"You don't want to be strong like Popeye?"
"Who is Popeye?"
I burst out laughing at her question. "I guess I really am old, aren't I?" I look over at Juniper and run my hands through my hair. I’m quickly learning that kids will bring you to your knees very quickly.
"I guess I'm old, as well,” Juniper says. “Because I know who Popeye is.”
“Who’s Popeye?” Canyon asks again.
“Popeye’s a sailor,” I answer. “He was in a lot of cartoons when I was a child. And there was a saying that if you want to be strong like Popeye, you have to eat your spinach.”
“Oh. I’m a Barbie girl,” she says, spinning around. Her hair goes flying, and she giggles as she loses her balance. "I like being here," she says. "Do you like me being here?" She pauses and frowns as she looks up at me.
"Very much so," I say with a quick nod, realizing that it's true. I look over at Juniper, who is just staring at us with a wistful smile on her face, and I wonder what she's thinking. Isshe wondering what’s happened to her stern and unemotional boss? I can only imagine what my partners at work will say when they see me with Canyon. They’ll probably make fun of me, but I suddenly realize that I don't care. While my entire life has changed, I don't hate it.
"What do you want to do today, Canyon?"
"I want to go shopping, like Juniper said. I want to get a bed and clothes and teddy bears and a burger or maybe pizza and jelly beans."
"Hold up," I say, putting my hands in the air to stop her. "I don't know that we're going to have time for all that."
"But you promised." Canyon squeals. "I want to go to the store."
"Hey, Canyon," Juniper says softly as she walks over and puts her hand lightly on Canyon's shoulder. "What if we go and look at furniture for your room and then grab some lunch? Maybe we can get a burger and then see if we can get a toy at a toy store or something?"
"Okay," Canyon says, looking up at her. "That would be nice. Wouldn't it, Daddy?" She turns back to me, and I nod slowly.
"Sounds like a plan. I do have to do some work later, but..." I look over at Juniper who's shaking her head. "But I guess I can postpone it?" Juniper gives me a wide smile, letting me know that was the right answer. "I guess today is all yours, Canyon." I frown for a second. "But I suppose we've got to plan out what's going to happen next week."
"When I go to school?"
"Yes, but I have to figure out how you're gonna get to school and how you're gonna get picked up and…" I stare at Juniper, and she shakes her head.
"I can't do it, Mr. Parker. I do work for you, and you demand that I get into the office early." She shrugs.
"I wasn't gonna ask you," I lie. She just grins in response. She knows me too well. "I'll figure it out."
"Okay, Daddy. I'm hungry," Juniper says as she heads back over to the plates. "Can I eat the rest of my eggs and soldiers, please, Juniper?"
"Of course." Juniper carries her plate and places it on top of the island. "Come on." She grabs Canyon's hand, and Canyon sits on one of the stools.
"I'm ready for my strawberry smoothie, Daddy." She stares at me.
"Coming right up." I open the freezer and grab a bag of frozen strawberries and place them on the countertop.
"Yes, get to work, Remington," Juniper teases me.
"I think you quite like bossing me around," I say to her, and she blushes slightly.