“You don’t know that,” Joey started, but Miles waved off the dispute before it could start.
“I know them, and I know they wouldn’t approve. And it wouldn’t just be them. What do you think would happen to our careers if word got out that we were sleeping with the same woman? We’ve already gotten a couple comments from Sherri about Lucy’s presence in the RV. I think she’s trying to figure out which one of us Lucy is sleeping with.”
“Who we sleep with is no one’s business,” Joey said hotly.
“I’m not saying it is, but our jobs thrust us into the limelight. There’s a chance society will judge us for our relationship, and that could have a negative impact on us remaining employed with the show. Our image matters to the production company and the advertisers.”
Joey scowled because he knew Miles was right.
He reached over and placed his hand on Joey’s shoulder, hoping to console him. “We head back to Virginia tomorrow. I think we’d be smart to end things with Lucy when we arrive there. We need to cut our losses now, bro, because…” Miles swallowed heavily, trying to dislodge the lump forming in his throat. “I know what heartbreak feels like, and I can’t face that again. The longer we drag this out, the more it will hurt. All of us. Lucy included.”
Joey frowned. If there was one thing he knew about his friend, it was that he’d cut out his own heart before he’d hurt Lucy.
“Let’s make the best of the time we have left.”
Before Joey could agree or disagree with that suggestion, Lucy returned to the table.
“I cannot believe how much fun I’m having!” she said, swaying slightly as she sat down.
“Are you drunk?” Miles asked.
Lucy shook her head. “Tipsy at best. And maybe a little concussed from that Texas two-step.”
Joey laughed. “I wasn’t swinging you that hard, honey.”
“By the way,” Miles said, “Where’s your hat, cowboy?”
Joey gestured toward Hank. “Returned to its owner. Just borrowed it for the two-step. Wanted to look the part.”
Miles grinned. “Well, if you were going for Guido, you got there.”
Joey rolled his eyes and punched him on the arm. “Asshole.”
“Did you guys want to hang around a while longer?” Lucy asked, while trying to hide a yawn behind her hand.
Miles shook his head. “No. It’s been a long day, and we need to get on the road fairly early tomorrow morning. We’re facing eight, nine hours of driving.”
Lucy made a face. “Ugh.”
Joey rose. “Let’s go say goodbye to Hank and Macie.”
Lucy took Joey’s hand, the two skirting the tables between them and the Coopers.
Miles picked up his phone, intent on following. He glanced down when it pinged, expecting to see another picture.
Instead, Rhiannon had sent a message.
When are you going to be in Baltimore? I was thinking I might drive down to see you.
Shit. His mother had informed him a week ago that Rhiannon was interested in his filming schedule for the show, so she’d shared it with her. At the time, he’d been more resigned than pissed, but now? Now the anger he should have felt then arrived with a vengeance. Because it wasn’t just Rhiannon he needed to set things straight with. It was his mother too.
Great. Another fun conversation to look forward to.
After saying goodbye to approximately fifty-seven members of the Sparks family, Mack gave them a ride back to the RV.
“Last night in Maris,” Lucy said with a sigh as they walked in.
Joey wrapped his arm around her waist. “So we need to make it count.”