Page 61 of Kiss and Tell

He was going to get calluses on his hand at this point because the last two nights had been an experiment in sensual torture. Apparently, Joey and Lucy considered sleeping in the same bed the new norm, the two of them donning their pajamas, crawling beneath the covers, and then waiting for him to do the same. Which he did.

Then they spent hours making out like teenagers who’d just discovered what hormones do.

Kissing Lucy was quickly becoming Miles’s favorite thing ever. She kissed like she lived—all in and with exuberant joy. So yeah. He was a big fan of the kissing.

What he hadn’t anticipated was how much he also enjoyed being an observer. Voyeurism was a previously undiscovered kink for him. Typically, when Miles was kissing Lucy, Joey wasn’t content to sit on the sidelines, his friend always touching her in some way. Either stroking her hair, running his fingers over her body, placing soft kisses on the back of her neck.

It didn’t work that way for Miles when Joey was kissing her. His arousal was off the charts when he watched them together. He felt no attraction toward Joey, but he loved seeing him kiss their?—

Nope. Record scratch.

Lucy wasn’ttheirs.

Miles lathered his face with shaving cream and tried to focus his attention on the task at hand. Nothing good would come from overanalyzing unwanted feelings.

Rhiannon had called twice since they’d left Stormy Weather Farm, but both times he’d sent the calls to voicemail. He should tell her to stop calling, tell her that he couldn’t be friends with her. Too much water had flowed under that bridge. The only reason he hadn’t picked up the phone was because the conversation was going to be a hard one, and he didn’t want to have it while Joey and Lucy were within earshot, which was pretty much always.

So instead, he shot off the same lame texts in response.

Busy. Talk later.

That was him. King of the Cop-outs.

He winced when he nicked himself with the razor.

“Shit,” he muttered, blotting the blood with a piece of toilet paper.

They’d gotten up extra early this morning so that they could get the driving part of their day over quickly. They had pulled into tonight’s RV park an hour earlier, hooking up the water and electric so that Miles could take a shower. Finishing up, he stepped out of the bathroom. The space was really too tiny to dress in comfortably, so he’d laid out his clothes in the bedroom. He’d taken two steps in that direction when he heard Lucy’s wolf whistle.

He turned around, grinning, until he spotted Lucy on Joey’s lap.

His dick twitched, the hand job he’d just given himself to blow off some steam forgotten like it had never happened. It could not be good for his health to live with a hard-on twenty-four seven.

Miles changed direction, walking toward them. “What’s going on out here?”

Lucy pointed to her laptop on the table in front of her. “I was trying to upload my newKiss and Tellepisode, but Joey keeps distracting me.”

“If you don’t want to be distracted, you need to stop looking so adorable.” Joey’s arm was wrapped around her middle, holding her in place when she playfully squirmed. Her attempts to rise were merely for show because it didn’t look to Miles like she really wanted to get off Joey’s lap.

When she wiggled her ass again, Miles caught Joey’s wince. Clearly, his friend was suffering from the same prolonged erection problem.

Lucy stopped moving, sighing deeply.

“What’s wrong?” Miles asked.

She closed the lid on her laptop, her gaze drifting down to his towel.

He probably should have gotten dressed before venturing out here because this was the first time he’d revealed so much of his body to her. He hadn’t even slept shirtless—though that was his norm at home—donning lounge pants and a soft cotton tee both nights before their make-out sessions. While Lucy’s hands had slipped beneath his shirt to touch him, she hadn’t seen his bare chest.

“I think I might sleep in my own bed tonight,” she said softly.

Joey made a buzzer sound. “Wrong.”

Miles schooled his features, trying hard not to acknowledge how disappointed he was that she wanted to call a halt to their kissing adventure, even though he’d just been thinking the exact same thing.

“Joey…” she started, turning to look at him over her shoulder.

“Why?” Joey asked.