Page 59 of Kiss and Tell

She nodded. “I know that. And I have to admit that while I love what we just did on this couch, I’m not a hundred percent positive I wouldn’t freak out or freeze up if we tried to take things any further.”

Joey kissed the side of her head. “We would never ask you to do something you weren’t comfortable with.”

She gave Joey a sweet smile. “I know that too. I trust you.” Then she turned to Miles. “I trust both of you. So…” She lifted one shoulder, her adorable expression letting Joey know that while she might not be totally on board, she wasn’t ready to jump ship like Miles. “Maybe we could extend this grand adventure, just a little bit, and keep kissing.”

Miles bowed his head and rubbed his temples. He didn’t agree outright, but in some ways, Joey thought what he said next was even better.

“Trouble,” he muttered under his breath.

Joey was reminded of their first afternoon in the RV, and he chuckled. “Grand adventure, huh?”

“I only have this limited amount of time to pack in as many experiences as I can,” she said.

“We could have more than just this trip.” There was no way in hell Joey was letting this end after Texas. “We can come visit you over the holidays. Or you could come see us in Philly.”

Lucy shook her head. “No. I have too many responsibilities at home. I can’t take any more time off and even if you came to visit, I would still have to work. I think it’s best if the adventure has an end date. The one we already agreed on.”

“End date,” Miles muttered in disgust.

For the first time, he saw Miles waver. Joey had been approaching this thing with forever in mind, and his best friend had balked. Big-time.


Joey sighed. One step forward, thirty-two back. He stood up and held his hand out for Lucy. “Come on.”

She placed her hand in his as she rose. “Where are we going?”

He pointed in the direction of the bedroom. “To bed.”

When she tried to jerk her hand from his, he clarified, “To sleep.Justsleep.”

“Then why not stay in our own—” Lucy started.

Joey cut her off. “Because you’ve started a damn countdown, and I’m tired of keeping my distance from you, honey. I want to lay down next to you and watch you sleep.”

“Perv,” she joked.

Joey winked. “Guilty as charged. Miles?”

He fully expected Miles to refuse to join them.

The fact that he didn’t sparked something dangerous inside Joey. Something stupid. Because he was a million miles away from getting what he wanted.

But that didn’t stop him from feeling…


And it kept growing when—after each of them took a turn in the bathroom to change—they returned to the bedroom.

Lucy climbed in first, sliding to the middle, as Joey claimed the right side. He held his breath until Miles blew out a long, slow sigh and slipped under the covers on the left.

Joey had lived in a lot of different places, laid his head down on a lot of different pillows.

Tonight was the first time he ever felt like he’d finally found home.

It wasn’t this RV.

It wasn’t this bed.