Levi grimaced. “Yeah. That’s what I thought. But I’m going with my gut on this because it’s telling me that you and Miles are good guys and you won’t hurt my cousin.”
“We won’t,” Joey swore. God, if he had his way, he’d spend every day for the rest of his life making Lucy happy.
Levi nodded, just as Lucy and Miles stepped out of the RV.
“Okay, then.” Levi reached out to shake Joey’s hand, then Miles’s. Sam did the same.
The handshake must have been the equivalent of the Bat Signal going up because Storms started filing out of the farmhouse, joining them in the yard.
There were lots of hugs and laughs, and even a quick tour of the RV for Remi, who was dying to see inside.
None of the other men gave him or Miles the stink eye, which proved Joey had guessed correctly about Sam and Levi being charged with the task of laying down the law.
Joey was almost sorry to leave. While they’d only been on the mountain a short time, he and Miles had been truly welcomed and treated like part of the Storm family.
Finally, after everyone said their goodbyes, he, Miles, and Lucy climbed into the RV. Miles climbed behind the wheel, volunteering to drive the first stretch. Joey and Lucy waved from the windows until they made the first turn, the farmhouse and her family now out of sight.
Lucy gave Joey the passenger seat, while she claimed the one behind it.
For the first ten minutes or so, they were quiet as Miles maneuvered his way down the mountain. Joey stole a few peeks over his shoulder at Lucy, who was looking out the window with a pensive expression. Joey was slightly concerned she might change her mind and ask them to take her back home.
Which didn’t make sense to him. It was clear Lucy wanted to travel, so her reticence felt misplaced. Then he recalled this was her first trip, so she was probably just nervous.
“Can we talk for a second about how bougie this RV is?” Joey asked as he spun the seat around so he could see MilesandLucy without having to twist his head at an awkward angle.
His jaw had hit the ground when the RV was dropped off, he and Miles marveling over how large it was inside. They’d seen pictures of it, but those hadn’t done justice to just how massive the thing was. The network had been careful to provide an RV that didn’t require them to get a special license to drive, but it looked like they were skirting the line.
It was a mammoth. The interior was cozy and spacious, with recessed lighting, a widescreen HDTV, comfortable seating, tile flooring, an induction cooktop, and tons of storage. Lucy had already claimed the bunk bed, maintaining she was the “hitchhiker” and the shortest. No amount of insistence on his or Miles’s part would change her mind.
Miles grinned. “I think it’s safe to say we’re riding in style. The refrigerator is even fully stocked.”
“No way.” Lucy spun her seat around, taking in the rest of the RV. Then she shook off whatever was bothering her, giggling gleefully. “I’m sorry,” she said, as if she had to apologize for laughing. “It’s just… I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
Miles chuckled, and Joey noticed that right after getting Lucy’s text that she was coming, his friend immediately started to relax.
“It’s definitely going to be an adventure,” Miles added.
They had mapped out their route this morning, opting to spend tonight in a campground by Claytor Lake. It was a nine-and-a-half-hour drive to Nashville, but they were only tackling about a third of that today. Given their late start, they figured they’d save the bigger portion of the driving for tomorrow. Lucy pulled out her phone to look at the campground as Miles took the on-ramp to I-81. Joey was tasked with serving as deejay, all of them marveling at the state-of-the-art audio system.
For the first couple of hours, they took turns suggesting songs, anxious to share their favorites. Joey grinned when Lucy sang along loudly to Noah Kahan’s “Dial Drunk.” Because none of them had eaten lunch prior to hitting the road, Miles pulled over at a rest stop so that they could stretch their legs and make sandwiches. As they ate, the three of them sat around the table, engaging in a heated discussion aboutStar Warsmovies, debating which were the best and whether the newest generation lived up to the reputation of the old.
Miles had glanced at his phone a couple times while they were making lunch, frowning at the screen. If Rhiannon was texting, it appeared his friend wasn’t responding. Or perhaps she wasn’t texting at all, andthatwas what was bothering him. Both those scenarios sucked.
Joey wasn’t sure where Miles’s head was regarding his ex because history seemed to be repeating itself. Miles said he wasn’t interested in resuming a friendship with her, but that was certainly ringing false, given their regular communication. Miles also seemed to believe Rhiannon wasn’t interested in getting back together, but Joey wouldn’t bet the farm on that, given how often she was texting and calling.
As far as Joey was concerned, if Miles was as over the woman as he claimed, he should tell her to lose his number. Maybe not that harshly, but it was clear her texting and calling was blurring some lines for Miles.
In the middle of the meal, Joey pulled out his phone, firing up the video camera, panning around the table to show their first meal in the RV. He was certain the video wasn’t interesting enough to be used as an outtake for the show, but that wasn’t why Joey was recording it.
He wanted to preserve this memory for himself. Wanted to be able to look back one day at what he prayed was not only the beginning of a road trip adventure but of a lifetime one. Miles and Lucy were smiling, hamming it up for the camera, cracking jokes. They looked good together. Really good.
After a minute or two, Joey flipped the camera, reaching out to pull Lucy closer so that she was in the frame. “So tell the fans, Lucy Storm, what are you most looking forward to as we start this big adventure?”
Lucy tapped her chin, playfully considering the question. “I think I’m most excited about meeting new people and seeing new places.”
Joey nodded, then flipped the camera back around. “And you, Miles?”
“I’m looking forward to the food. Hot chicken in Nashville. Barbeque at Sparks.”