Page 46 of Kiss and Tell

He wasn’t sure what to make of that, what to do with it. Like Joey, he was no stranger to dating, to one-night stands, to casual affairs. Neither of them had been living like monks, but it had been a long time—too fucking long since he’d kissed a woman he knew he could…

Care for.

Fall in love with.

Miles’s phone buzzed in his pocket, the sound hitting him like a bucket of cold water being dumped over his head. He jerked back, the hands he’d been using to hold Lucy tight, now pushing her away.

Lucy blinked several times, her brows furrowed in confusion over his abrupt actions.

“That shouldn’t have happened.” Miles had to clear his throat, the guttural words sounded too gruff, even to his own ears.

Lucy bit her lip, suddenly unsure and uncomfortable.

Goddammit. He’d hurt her feelings.

He didn’t have to look directly at Joey to see the anger on his friend’s face. Less than a week in and Joey’s protective instincts when it came to Lucy were already full force.

Lucy nodded, bobbing her head too rapidly. “You’re right. I haven’t decided what to do about the grand adventure, but if I do decide to go, it’s best that we do it as friends. Thank you for being the voice of reason, Miles.” She rose as she spoke the last, not looking at him or Joey.

“Lucy,” Joey started, when she made a beeline for the door.

“It’s getting late, and I need to run the idea of taking some time off by my family.”

She was still considering the trip. Or perhaps she was simply pretending she was so that she could make her escape.

Miles wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed by the idea that she might turn them down.

Joey followed her to the door, reaching out to grasp her hand before she could get away. “Please come with us, honey.”

She smiled at the nickname, but Miles noticed it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“I promise I’ll think about it,” was all she said.

Joey nodded stiffly, then stood in the open doorway, watching as she climbed into the car and drove down the country lane.

Once she was gone, Joey closed the door with a bit too much force before turning the lock. Miles braced himself for the onslaught, certain his friend was about to read him the riot act.

Instead, he leaned against the door wearily, studying his face for a moment.

“I’m sorry.”

Of all the things Miles expected Joey to say, that sure as shit wasn’t on his bingo card. “What?”

Joey gave him a guilty look. “I should have talked to you before inviting Lucy to come with us. It’s just…the idea popped into my head at dinner and the next thing I knew, I was saying it out loud.”

Miles couldn’t be angry about that.

Well, he could, but he wasn’t.

He knew his best friend very well. Knew Joey Moretti was nothing if not impulsive. It was probably one of the best things about him, since Miles tended to be overly cautious. These last two years with Joey had been the best of his life because he’d experienced things, done things he never would have considered attempting without Joey dragging him along.

“It’s okay, Joe,” Miles said. “Lucy is great. I meant what I said the other day. She’s perfect for you.” This time he was careful not to pause after the wordperfect. “I know you want to spend more time with her, and her coming along will give you that opportunity.”

“Us,” Joey added.

Miles sighed but didn’t contradict him. How could he after what they’d just done on the couch? He didn’t exactly have a leg to stand on, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try to find his footing again.

He had to.