“Gross,” Joey muttered, chuckling.
Tony, Jess, and Rhys had sent a big text to the whole family a couple weeks earlier, announcing the arrival of their child in the spring.
“I look forward to meeting this brewmaster,” Tony added. “Must be quite a woman to have you and Miles turned inside out after just a few days.”
“You’re going to love her,” Joey assured him. “Sorry for waking you up.”
“No problem. I should probably start getting used to sleepless nights. Good night, Joey.”
Joey hung up the phone, glad he’d made the call. Stripping down to his boxers, he climbed into bed and considered his brother’s advice.
Time to start drawing a road map.
Lucy put four scoops in the filter and filled the water tank, going through the process of preparing her morning coffee before turning it on. She needed it today because last night hadn’t been the least bit restful.
If anyone were to walk into her bedroom and see her tangled, twisted sheets and her duvet kicked to the floor, they’d think she’d been attacked. She had tossed and turned and tried to beat her pillow into submission until the wee hours of the morning.
Sleep, when it did come, hadn’t been deep. Instead, it was as if she’d been awake with her eyes closed, driving her dreams, which had been epic and vivid and strongly featuredtwomen. She was in uncharted territory here because she’d never felt this kind of instant attraction to any man.
And now?
Fuck her.
She was completely attracted tobothcohosts ofManPower.
Who wouldn’t be?
Joey Moretti was sex-on-a-stick hot with olive skin, a strong jawline, prominent cheekbones, and those soulful brown eyes that screamed of his Italian heritage. She was a sucker for a beard, and his called to her like a Siren’s song, making her long to stroke it. It had felt rough against her mouth as they’d kissed, and she’d spotted the tiniest bit of beard burn last night when she’d been brushing her teeth before bed. That kiss had contributed greatly to her lost sleep as she imagined him doing it again and again.
And then there was Miles, with his dark skin, close-cropped hair, clean-cut face, those eyes that were such a deep, rich brown they sometimes looked black in different light, and that sexy smile she saw all too infrequently. When he flashed it her way, it made her girlie bits wake up and take notice because it was just—sigh—perfection.
It was the kiss hehadn’tgiven her that had accounted for the rest of her sleepless night.
God, she muttered to herself.
Her attraction to the two men was the height of madness. For one thing, they were leaving in a couple of days. And secondly, she wasn’t limiting this newfound obsession to just one cohost, but both.
So yeah…insanity.
She needed to be smart, to move forward with an eye toward self-preservation because she couldn’t let herself get carried away with dreams of something that simply couldn’t be. Joey had asked for more time to get to know her. She’d been excited by the prospect last night, especially after that kiss, but the cold harshness of morning had a way of shining a different light on things.
Joey and Miles were going to continue traveling around the country filming, and she was going to remain here on the farm. She wasn’t exactly sure how Joey intended to move things forward, but he didn’t strike her as the pen pal type, content with exchanging love letters like they were some star-crossed nineteenth century couple. And while phone calls and FaceTime and texts were fine, they weren’t the same thing as spending time with a person. Eventually, she could see the calls dwindling, the texts becoming less personal, and then…nothing.
Lucy popped out of the kitchen when she heard a knock at the door, grinning when she saw Miles through the glass pane, standing on the porch. The butterflies in her stomach arrived every time Joey or Miles made their appearance, though she knew enough to know that these particular flutters had nothing to do with nerves and everything to do with hormones.
Taking a deep, calming breath—and kicking herself for not running a brush through her hair to tame her wild bedhead before coming downstairs—she opened the door.
“Good morning,” she said cheerfully.
Miles lifted his hand to reveal a ring of keys. “Came to return your truck. Wasn’t sure if you needed it. I’ve learned since arriving, you country folk rise early.”
She laughed when he said the last in a truly terrible southern accent. “Your timing is perfect, but only for me. My family tends to give me shit for sleeping in.”
Miles glanced at his watch. “It’s only eight o’clock.” Considering she was dressed, it was obvious she’d been awake, and he hadn’t pulled her from her bed. His response also told her she wasn’t the only one who preferred a later start to the day.