Page 26 of Kiss and Tell

Like Joey would let that happen.

“What’s not going to work?” Joey asked the second they were inside.

Miles stopped in the middle of the living room, crossing his arms. “You’re not going to shoehorn me into the kind of life you want.”

“I’ve never said what kind of life I want.” Joey hadn’t. Because before tonight, this possibility hadn’t been a part of his plans.

Miles lifted one eyebrow. “I have eyes, Joey. I see the way you look at your brothers and sister. Every single one of your siblings has found a committed threesome. Admit it. You want that too, don’t you?”

Joey hadn’t been aware of those looks. It proved just what a good friend Miles had become in such a short time. The man seemed capable of seeing things about him that Joey couldn’t see himself. In the end, he merely shrugged, not bothering to deny Miles’s comment because, well, it was the truth. “What if I do?”

Miles lifted his hands. “There’s not a damn thing wrong with that. In fact, I hope you get it. I really do. But, Joe—it’s not going to be with me. And not just because I’m fucked up over Rhiannon.”

“What’s the other reason?” Joey knew the answer, but he wanted to hear Miles say it. Months earlier, Joey had confessed that he’d gone on a couple dates with guys. Miles had been shocked, to put it lightly.

Since then, Joey couldn’t help but notice his best friend had never mentioned it again, obviously uncomfortable with the subject.

Miles looked away, and for a minute, Joey suspected he wasn’t going to respond.

When Miles’s gaze met his again, he lifted his shoulders. “You like guys.”

Yep. There it was.


“And I don’t.”

Joey snorted. “Yeah. Pretty sure I know that, Miles.”

He rubbed the back of his neck wearily. “I’m never going to kiss a guy, never feel attraction or arousal for one. I’m not wired like that.”

Joey closed his eyes briefly. “Again, I know that.”

“So that should tell you?—”

“Ask me,” Joey interjected.

Miles frowned. “What?”

“Ask me about my experience with dating men.”

“That’s none of my?—”

“Just fucking ask, Miles.”

His jaw tightened. He obviously didn’t want to, but it spoke to their level of friendship that he forged on anyway. “Fine, Joey. Hit me with it.”

“I’ve gone out with two guys—only two. They were both gay, not bi, and they asked me out. I accepted the dates because I was curious, and I had a good time. I didn’t do more than kiss either guy. No sex. The kissing was hot, but it didn’t go beyond that.”

“Did you want it to go further?”

“Honestly, no. Both guys made it clear they were interested in me for more than a hookup, and while I liked them well enough, I couldn’t see myself dating either of them. Because the truth is, I prefer women.”

“Oh,” Miles murmured.

“I actually didn’t realize until tonight that Idowant to find what my brothers and Layla have. Because you’re right. I think throuple relationships are pretty fucking fantastic. But I also know—because I’m not an idiot—that there are all sorts of ways to make a threesome work. In my mind, for the three of us, I envision what Tony and Rhys share with Jess.”

Miles fell quiet. He’d spent a lot of time with Joey’s family, so Miles knew the lay of the land when it came to his brothers’ relationships. He knew the twins, Luca and Gio, were bi, having sex with both of their partners. Just as he knew Rhys and Tony were straight, the two men sharing Jess only.