Lucy half-heartedly beat on his back. “Put me down, you lunatic!”
Joey turned instead, heading toward the porch.
“What are you doing?” she asked, the shameless woman getting back a bit of her own by cupping his ass and squeezing as he walked.
Joey placed a firm smack on her ass in retaliation, chuckling at the wide-eyed, yet not horrified looks on her sisters’ faces. Well, two faces. Remi was laughing so hard she was doubled over. “We’re going to steal the keys to one of the cabins and figure out our future…in bed.”
“Hey, Joey, Miles,” Mila said, when they reached the porch.
Lucy wiggled as if to get down. Foolish woman. He didn’t intend to let go of her until he had a promise that she would never—NEVER—walk away from them again. Sure, they’d been the ones to drive off this mountain, but only because he’d seen that shimmer of tears in her eyes, and he’d refused to make her cry.
“Hi. Mila, I was wondering if there were any cabins available for a week or two,” Joey asked.
“Week or two?” Lucy asked, twisting and trying to lift herself up with her hands on his back.
Joey turned his head to look at her. “Yeah. Going to take us at least that long to make up for the past five days.”
“Wow,” Nora said softly.
“The cabin you guys stayed in before is vacant.” Mila opened the screen door. “Let me go grab the key for you.”
“These are Lucy’s things,” Remi pointed out helpfully. “She’s all packed and ready for you.”
“But only if you put me down,” Lucy insisted. “I’m getting dizzy!”
Joey placed her on her feet, keeping a steadying hand on her elbow. “Just being careful. Don’t want to lose you again.”
The huge smile that filled Lucy’s face went a long way toward erasing the last bit of doubt he harbored over her feelings.
“Never going to happen,” she promised.
Joey swore he could hear both of her sisters sighing happily.
Mila came out of the house, key in hand. Miles stepped forward to take it from her, then grabbed Lucy’s bags—all of them.
“I don’t need the laptop and camera case,” she said.
Miles didn’t put them down. “We’ll take them, just in case we feel the need to start working on ourKiss and Tellvideo.”
This time, there was no doubt as to what Joey heard, as all three of Lucy’s sisters all but swooned.
“Lu,” Mila whispered, smiling almost as widely as her big sis.
Lucy took Joey’s hand. “Come on.” As the three of them walked to the car, Lucy called out over her shoulder. “I’ll text you guys later.”
“Much later,” Joey added, which prompted laughter from the front porch.
They threw Lucy’s luggage in the trunk with theirs before climbing into the car. Joey shot Miles a pretend scowl in the rearview mirror when he claimed the backseat with Lucy. “I’m playing chauffeur?” he griped.
Miles hummed as he curled Lucy into his arms, cupping her cheek. “Mm-hmm. And take your time.” That was when Miles began to kiss her.
Screw that,Joey thought as he kicked up dust driving too fast along the country lane. It only took a few minutes to arrive at the cabin, and Joey felt strangely at home the moment he saw it. While they’d stayed here less than a week, this was the place where they’d shared their first kiss with Lucy, the cabin feeling like the spot where his life truly began.
“Let’s grab our stuff,” Miles suggested as he walked to the trunk. “Something tells me once we get inside, we’re not coming out for a while.”
Joey slapped his friend on the back. “You got that right.”
They each pulled their suitcases into the cabin, backpacks and duffels slung over their shoulders. He and Miles had packed enough for at least a few weeks, neither of them sure how their suit of Lucy would progress. Given her initial reaction to their arrival, Joey was optimistic that they’d wildly overpacked.