Page 55 of Kiss and Tell

“Why did you break up?” Miles asked.

“He left town in search of greener pastures. One of the things we had in common was our desire to see more of the world. Marco went through with it, packing up his car and heading west. He asked me to come with him, but I couldn’t leave my family and the farm.”

Joey wasn’t sure how to feel about that response. Lucy was close to her family, and she took her responsibilities at the brewery seriously. He’d hoped the fact she’d come out on the road with them meant she was open to the possibility of a different kind of life than the one she was living. The fact that she’d said no to Marco left him wondering if the only reason she was here now was because they had couched their invitation as a vacation, not a lifetime.

“He’s doing really great in Chicago. Got engaged last Christmas. We catch up whenever he comes back to Gracemont to visit his family.”

Joey grinned. “You stay in touch with your exes.”

Lucy took a sip of her beer. “Neither of my breakups were bad, and they’re both nice guys, so why not? So do I even want to ask about the millions of ex-girlfriends in y’all’s pasts?”

Miles jerked his thumb at Joey. “This guy could probably entertain you for a few years on that subject.”

Joey shook his head. “Actually, I think I could tackle my list quicker than yours, Miles, because she asked about ex-girlfriends. While I’ve gone on lots of dates, I’ve only called a few women girlfriends, and those relationships happened so long ago, there’s not much to tell.”

“No broken hearts?” Lucy asked, eyes wide.

Joey shrugged. “Sure. A couple. First big one was in high school. Got dumped by Mandy Preston, the head cheerleader.”

Miles rolled his eyes. “Of course, you dated the head cheerleader.”

Joey reached across the table and punched Miles on the shoulder. “Jealous bastard.”

“What happened with Mandy?” Lucy placed her elbow on the table, resting her chin in her hand.

“We dated for a few months my junior year. I thought it was love. She felt otherwise. I remember thinking it was the end of the world when she dumped me for another guy, but when I look back now, I wonder if my overblown reaction was because of my mom.”

“You were still grieving,” Lucy said.

To be honest, this was the first time Joey had considered the connection between his broken heart and his mother’s death, though it made sense. “I suffered from an extreme broken heart, crying in my room, swearing off women forever. Drove my brothers crazy for weeks talking about Mandy nonstop, wavering between ways to get her back and bemoaning my lonely state. Finally, Tony stormed into my room one afternoon and told me to suck it up.”

Miles chuckled. “That sounds like Tony. Did you do it?”

Joey nodded. “Yeah. Of course, it helped he’d also set me up on a blind date with the sister of the girl he was dating at the time. Nothing helps mend a broken heart like the captain of the volleyball team.”

Miles and Lucy laughed.

“Since high school, it’s been a lot of casual relationships. Nothing to write home about, I’m afraid to say.” Joey hated to admit just how bad his track record was. “But that hasn’t stopped me from looking for the one.” He looked at Lucy as he spoke, grinning when she blushed. He wasn’t exactly hiding the fact he hoped she mightbethat one.

“How about you?” Lucy asked, turning to Miles. “How long is your list?”

Joey wondered if Miles would answer her question. Rhiannon certainly seemed to be a taboo topic for his best friend, considering Joey hadn’t even heard the nitty-gritty details of their relationship until just over a week ago.

He was surprised when Miles wiped his mouth, then said, “There’s only one woman on my list.”

“Rhiannon?” Lucy asked. Joey had mentioned the other woman’s name the other day in the kitchen. Obviously, Lucy had been paying attention.

Miles nodded…and then, to Joey’s relief, he opened up, telling Lucy everything he’d shared withhimabout their ups and downs. Lucy listened attentively, asking questions throughout.

“So you’re texting and calling each other now?” Lucy asked as Miles’s story wound down.

Miles didn’t seem pleased with his own answer when he said, “Yeah.”

Lucy quickly waved her hands. “I didn’t mean that as a judgment. I mean, I’m still friends with both my exes, and you and Rhiannon had an even longer history.”

“I’m just not sure…” Miles hesitated.

“That you’re over her?” Lucy asked gently.