Page 44 of Kiss and Tell

Lucy toyed with the stem of her wineglass, not speaking for several moments. When she did, Miles knew he was screwed.

“So I’d be gone a couple of weeks?” she asked.

“Plus a few days, yeah,” Joey replied.

Miles needed to stem this flood somehow. “If that’s impossible, like you said, you could always catch a flight home from Nashville.”

Maybe he could survive one more week with her…but two? Three?

Joey flashed him a dirty look. “Or we’ll drop you off, likeIsaid. You don’t want to miss Texas.”

Lucy bit her lower lip. “Is there even room for me in the car?”

Joey rubbed his hands together. “That’s the best part. This season, the show’s providing us with a motorhome to travel in. It arrives tomorrow morning. When we told our producers about the cool side trips we’d been taking, they offered us the RV with the caveat that we record anything from our journey we think is interesting. The idea is to include outtakes at the end of each show, where it’s me and Miles recording funny shit on our way to the location.”

“That would be fun,” Lucy agreed. “An RV, huh? Guess that requires a follow-up question. Where would I sleep in the RV? Because this felt more doable when I thought you guys drove in your car and slept in hotels.”

“There’s a king bed in the bedroom, a bunk bed, and a loft bed above the front seats. Plenty of room.” Joey had an answer for everything. In fact, he seemed so prepared, Miles began to wonder if his friend had only just thought of inviting Lucy to join them or if he’d come here tonight with the plan already in hand.

Lucy took a sip of wine. “Can I think about it?”

Joey reached out and squeezed her hand. “Of course. The RV doesn’t arrive until tomorrow afternoon. Take the night, talk to your family.”

Bridget returned with their food, which was absolutely delicious. Miles had never had lamb shank navarin, but he was damn sure he was going to want to have it again.

Jacques, the chef, visited their table for a few minutes, the man just as pleasant and friendly as his wife. They signed his magazine and posed for pictures, with Lucy serving as photographer.

Then they wrapped up the meal by splitting crème brûlée, all of them too stuffed from dinner to order their own desserts.

As they walked back to the car, Joey grasped one of Lucy’s hands. When she caught Miles looking at their clasped hands, she reached out and took his as well.

Miles should have let it go, but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

Or at least, that was what he told himself, rather than admitting helikedthe feeling of her small hand in his.

The ride home was a quiet affair. Miles figured Lucy and Joey were in the same boat as him. Too pleasantly full and lethargic after a long day and a warm, wonderful meal, as well as consumed by thoughts of what came next.

Lucy parked in front of the cabin.

“Nightcap?” Joey offered. “We’ve got a variety of Rain or Shine beers and a couple bottles of wine. Mila stocks one hell of a fridge.”

“I’d love to come in.”

Miles kicked himself for being happy by her response. He’d gone to dinner seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. This was supposed to be their last night. Clear sailing come morning.

However, with his invitation to Lucy, Joey had gone full-on Wile E. Coyote, setting off the dynamite and sealing the tunnel.

Joey grabbed the beer while Lucy claimed a spot on the couch. Miles started to sit down on an overstuffed armchair, but Joey bumped his shoulder, practically herding him toward the couch. “Sit with us.”

Against his better judgment, Miles claimed one end of the couch, Joey the other, as Lucy curled one leg beneath her, sitting in between them.

Joey handed out the beers and they tapped them together.

“To new adventures,” Joey said before taking a sip.

Lucy smiled. “I’m still thinking about it, Joey. I haven’t committed to anything yet. In truth, I’m not sure I can make this work on such short notice. It wouldn’t be fair to Sam and Theo.”

Joey placed his beer on the end table, then turned toward Lucy, his arm draped over the back of the couch behind her. “You deserve a vacation, Lucy. Are you telling me Sam never takes one?”