Passing it to Callan, I say, “Personally, I’d use blue for ‘Dad’, with some black shading. Make it stand out from the rest of the design. Everything else would be in black and grey shades. But I’ll do whatever you’d like.” Picking up a few files from the desk, I head towards the office. “Back in a few.”
As I put the files in order, I hear them mumbling to each other. I’m not sure how to feel about Callan’s cold indifference towards me and if it has to do with the fact that he’s attracted to me or that Gray Ryhan is actually a woman instead of a man.
All my employees understand not to give away my gender when taking appointments because I have clients coming from all over the country, some international, who might not give me a chance if they know I’m a woman beforehand. I’m not out to deceive anyone; my website bio is very clear about my gender, as is the photo I have posted there.
I hate being categorized because it’s an unfair judgement to think I can’t be just as good of an artist as a man or better. Not to toot my own horn, but my shit is the shit, and mostpeople realize that once I hand over a sketch of their dream art. However, there are still people who walk away because I don’t have a dick, and I think it’s stupid as fuck.
But, hey, what do I know? I’m just a female.
“Goddamn,” I mutter as Gray wanders away, her sexy backside swinging enticingly back and forth.
“Fuck, man,” Eli groans, reaching down to adjust his cock.
“That mouth…”
“Those legs.”
Her lips make my mouth water. That sweet ruby-red colour wrapped so tightly around my cock I’d be unable to move is an image I’m dying to see come to light.
“You see those lips?” Eli swipes a finger across his own mouth, checking for drool.
“Seen and craving.” So fucking badly.
“Could you imagine…?”
“Imagined and ingrained.”For the rest of my damn life.
Leaning around the counter and gazing through the office door, I watch as she bends and twists, putting some things away and grabbing others she needs. Pictures of her bent over naked flash through my mind, and my dick throbs uncontrollably behind my zipper.
Fuck me, fuck us. Just fuck.
It’s been years since I’ve been this gone for a girl, and never so fucking fast. It takes a lot to get my attention, but this girl has it all.
What the fuck is so special abouther?
She’s got attitude a mile wide, a mouth dirty as sin, and is ready to cut anyone down with that sharp tongue of hers.
It’s her eyes, though; they hold this vulnerability that I can’t seem to shake. I think her hard exterior is just protection. From whom and what, I’d like to know. Sensing she’s been hurt pisses me off more than it should.
As I ponder my attraction to the woman in question, she saunters back over to us. “So, what do you think?”
“About?” I stupidly ask, caught up in how her luscious lips move while she talks.
Her smirk tells me all I need to know: I’m busted.
“Of the sketch, blondie?” I’d like to give her smart mouth something to chew on instead of mouthing off to me.
“I like it.” I fucking love it, if I’m honest. She’s got more skill than I’ve ever seen.
Glancing at Eli from the corner of my eye, I find he’s too busy drooling over the woman and trying to catch another glimpse of her ass to say much else.
“Fantastic!” She gives me a stunning smile. “Where were you thinking you’d like it?” Her eyes roam my body like she’s deciding where to put it.
Eli suddenly comes to life again and slaps a hard hand against my chest. “Right over his heart.”
“You motherfucker! What the hell, man?” The sting burns my flesh, and I’d like to return the favour to the asshole.