Page 75 of Body Shot

“Unlimited?” He stares at me.

“I know, pretty wild, right? It’s a thing now, especially in the tech world. The idea is that people will be so afraid of taking advantage of it, they’ll actually wind up usinglesstime than they would otherwise. I don’t know how accurate that is, but it’s in my employment contract.”

“Your ninety days will be up mid-December, give or take a few days,” he says thoughtfully.

“Yup. In addition, the whole office is closed the week between Christmas and New Year’s, so technically, I could come down right after Christmas, depending on what we decide.”

“Sounds like it’s a great place to work.”

“I hope so. I was really excited when I got the offer, and there’s a lot of buzz about them in the tech industry right now. But we’ll see. You know how it is when something seems too good to be true. Although, to be fair, they said we’ll be working a lot of hours the first six months or so, getting the company off the ground.”

“So it’s brand new?”

“Not brand new, but up until recently, it was just the owner, Randy, and his business partner, Glen, along with their assistant. Now there’s about twenty-five people and they’re looking to be up to fifty by January. Hopefully, one of them will be Hana.”

“Do you think the visa thing will be a problem?”

“Potentially, but good lawyers can make it happen.”

“We’re both going to have a busy few months.”

I put my mug down and nestle against him. “I can’t believe our week is already over. I don’t know how we’re going to say goodbye tomorrow.”

“It’s not goodbye,” he whispers, putting his own mug down and then pulling me into an all-encompassing hug that makes me feel safe and warm and…happy. “We’ll see each other in just under four weeks. We play in Philly on Friday night, and believe it or not, we’re off on Saturday. We could potentially spend the whole day together and then I’ll meet up with the team in Montreal on Sunday. I already got permission.”

I love hearing that he’s planning ahead so he can spend time with me. “That sounds good.” I close my eyes and breathe in his scent. It’s a little musky, after so many rounds of lovemaking since our last shower, but masculine with the faint scent of his aftershave still lingering. It’s woodsy but light, so it’s not overpowering, and I want to bury myself in it.

“Don’t be sad. We can talk and FaceTime. And I can teach you about phone sex.”

I laugh. “I don’t think that’s as much fun as the real thing.”

“No, but it’s still pretty fun when it’s with someone you really like.”

“I may have to invest in some toys.”

“You should. We can use them together, too.”

“You’re getting me worked up again.”

“Good. Because I plan to spend as much time inside of you today as I possibly can. We’ll take a break for the show tonight, but then we’re coming right back to bed when we get home.”

“Good thing I’m going to spend a good part of my day on a plane since I’m not going to be able to walk tomorrow.”

“That’s the goal.”

“Does it impact you the same way?”

“Somewhat. Obviously, the soreness is different since I don’t have a vagina, but yeah, my hips and abdomen get a workout sometimes. I use different muscles with sex than I do with hockey.”

“I would hope so.”

We laugh together before I roll over and grab my coffee.

“I like this coffee in bed situation. You’re spoiling me.”

“I think it’s important to spoil the woman in your life.”

“What about you? Me spoiling you, I mean.”