How comfortable it feels to be holding hands as we explore the park.
How much I enjoy the little kisses we’ve been stealing all morning.
She’s amazing.
The woman I had no idea I wanted.
My family back in Sweden will love her.
I already know that.
They’d been disappointed that Martika and I broke up, thinking a Swedish woman would bring me home more often, but they also want me to be happy and that wouldn’t have been the case with her.
It’s totally different with Claudia.
She can make me happy.
I’m aware it’s only been a few days, but sometimes you just know.
And I do.
Okay, I don’t know exactly what I know or what’s going to happen, but I know there’s something different—special—about Claudia. Something I haven’t felt before. It’s this odd tickle in the back of my mind, constantly, making me think about her all the time. I want her. It’s that simple. And I’m not just thinking about getting in her pants, although I won’t deny that’s part of it.
“We’re thinking about going to dinner at this great place in South Beach,” Sloane says as it gets later in the day. “Johan says we can get a reservation. You guys interested?” She looks from me to Claudia.
“Actually, we already have dinner plans,” Claudia says, the lie coming out smoothly, as if she’d rehearsed it.
“Oh, okay, then we’ll make the reservation for three.” Sloane turns to Johan, and he goes back to doing something on his phone.
“Did we have dinner plans?” I murmur in Claudia’s ear playfully.
“We do.” She gives me a mischievous grin and my heart does this crazy thing in my chest. It feels like she’s reached in and wrapped her hand around it, holding on like it belongs to her. And I don’t understand this at all.
So I kiss her, because if I keep staring into her pretty face, I might blurt out something stupid.
Like,I’m falling in love with you.
Orstay in Florida with me.
What the hell is going on with me?
“We should go to your place,” she whispers.
“Yeah?” I wrap an arm around her waist. “You want to hang out with Felix?”
She wrinkles her nose. “Can you tell him to go out or something?”
I chuckle. “It’s hard to tell Felix to do anything, but I’ll try.” I pull out my phone and text him, asking his plans.
FELIX: I am going out. Why? You want me to wait for you?
ANDERS: No. I want a little privacy for Claudia and me. She’s shy.
FELIX: She was not so shy on the beach…
ANDERS: Dude. Could you do this for me? Please?
FELIX: Yes, yes. Do not ruffle your skin.