He chuckles. “Well, make sure you find out before you start hitting on someone’s new girlfriend or sister or something.”
“For sure.”
I don’t talkto Claudia again for a while because I’m caught up in helping everyone unload their cars and set up their chairs, tents, and umbrellas. More than half the team is married with kids, so it quickly becomes as chaotic as I’d predicted. It’s fun, though, with lots of conversation, banter, and laughter.
Except, through it all, Claudia doesn’t join in, and I feel a little bad for her.
Why isn’t anyone talking to her? She can’t just be someone who wandered into our private party by accident. Someone had to have invited her, yet no one I’ve asked knows who she is.
However, the quest to find out gives me an excuse to talk to her some more.
“Hey.” I sink down next to her again. “Whatcha reading?”
“Oh, um, it’s a coding book.”
“A what?”
She wrinkles her nose, lifting one shoulder in a small shrug. “I’m a computer nerd. I read books about computer coding for fun. I know, it’s awful. But I can’t seem to help myself.”
“It’s notawful,” I say with a laugh. “But we’re at the beach. It’s a beautiful day. And it’s a team party. Wouldn’t it be more fun to socialize?”
She hesitates. “Like I said—science nerd. Socializing and parties aren’t really my thing.”
“How about the water? Is that your thing? Want to go for a swim?”
She slowly rests her book on her thighs and lifts her eyes to mine.
“Er, no. Not really.”
“You sure?” I cock my head. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”
“I don’t…” She’s so hesitant I’m beginning to wonder if she’s here with a date. Maybe they just didn’t come together and he’s late? I should probably find out before I continue trying to flirt with her.
I finally decide to be blunt, looking around. “Are you here with one of the guys? If so, I apologize if I’ve crossed a line...”
“Oh.” Now she looks startled. “No. I’m not here with adate. My friend is?—”
“Claudia!” Someone calls out her name and she turns, a huge smile breaking out on her face.
And Christ, it transforms her so much it leaves me breathless.
“Hana!” She jumps to her feet and runs across the sand, the two women throwing their arms around each other and hugging tightly. Like they haven’t seen each other for a long time.
She’s friends with Hana?
Johan’s sister Hana?
The same Hana that I’ve jokingly said I’m going to marry.
I know that’s who it is because Johan and his fiancée Sloane are standing there, watching Hana and Claudia hug.
And they’re still hugging, rocking back and forth.
“…so long,” Claudia is saying as I approach.
“I’ve missed you so much!” Hana says as they pull apart and then start hugging all over again.