Mr. Knight heads over to where his wife is checking on their toddler, and I’m shocked when Claudia throws her arms around me.
“Thank you!” she gushes. “I can’t believe I got to meet one of my tech heroes!”
“You’re welcome,” I say, suddenly very aware of her closeness.
The way her body feels pressed against mine.
How good it feels that she’s finally letting her guard down.
How much I want to keep touching her.
“You’re welcome,” I whisper, my lips against her hair.
She seems to suddenly become aware of the electricity between us and quickly pulls away.
“I, um, well, I’ve always been a huge fan of his. So thank you. Really.”
“No problem at all. Any of us could have introduced you to him.”
“Yeah, but you offered. And then you followed through. And he gave me his email address. That’s huge for me.”
“I’m happy I could make that happen for you.”
“I never think of people like that having a personal life,” she says, looking over at where he’s holding his daughter. “Like, being a dad or whatever.”
“I think that’s normal. You create your own version of someone in your mind, and then let your imagination take over.”
“Do you do it?” she asks, cocking her head slightly.
“When I was younger, sure. Looking up to my hockey idols, the only thing I cared about was their professional and athletic accomplishments. The idea that they were husbands, fathers, sons—it never occurred to me.”
“I guess that’s how I thought of Mr. Knight. Just a technological and business genius. I didn’t consider him being married, or a father. Or that someone like him owned a hockey team!”
“You can be a genius and love hockey,” I joke.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
She’s more relaxed now, and we spend the next couple of hours alternating between talking, cooling off in the water, and occasionally joining the others for a drink or more conversation.
Before I know it, the sun is getting lower in the sky and Toli and Remy have put steaks on the grills. A few people have left, but most of us are gearing up for a fantastic dinner and fireworks.
Claudia is with Hana, Sloane, Eden, and a few other ladies, so I wander over to where Felix Lessard, Aiden Barbeau, and Jordan Palmer have gathered. There are only four of us that didn’t bring a date today, and while I feel like I’ve spent the day with Claudia, I’m not sure I’ve made any progress in getting her to go out with me. Because I definitely want to ask her, but I’m strangely reluctant.
“So who’s the chick you’ve been talking to all day?” Jordan asks. “Johan’s sister’s friend?”
“Claudia,” I reply, then take a pull from my beer.
“You gonna hit that tonight?” he asks.
I roll my eyes. “Is sex all you ever think about?”
He makes a face. “I’m sorry—is that a trick question? Is there something else I’m supposed to think about?”
“Never mind.” I chuckle. Sometimes I forget he’s only twenty-one.
“You like her?” Felix asks. “You are taking her out?”
“I’m not sure she’s into me,” I say.