And all I want to do is sleep.
Luckily, they’ve given me something for the nausea, an IV full of nutrients, and something to help me rest.
I wake up starving for the first time in almost a month, and still pregnant.
My parents were with me until I fell asleep, but Hana stayed the night in the chair next to me. She really is a good friend, and I feel terrible about lying to her. But she’s here now and promises she won’t go anywhere until we figure things out. No matter what happens.
Since my parents left to rest and get something to eat, I send Hana in search of food too. I’m not on a restricted diet, and I want to eat while they’re giving me the anti-nausea meds, so she planned to take a walk and then order something from Uber Eats.
My attention is drawn to something going on in the hallway. There’s a thump and some gruff voices. I can’t understand what they’re saying but there’s agitation in their tones, and then it’s quiet.
“Hana?” I call out but no one answers.
That’s weird.
I’m just about to turn on the TV when Seth comes walking into my hospital room.
Jesus fucking Christ.
This guy really can’t take a hint.
And frankly, I’m too hungry, scared, and tired to deal with him.
“What the hell do you want, Seth?”
He frowns. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I already told you—we’re not friends. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“We work together… and Randy was really worried about you. I told him I’d keep an eye on you and?—”
“Why on earth would you do that?” I ask, scowling. “If Randy wants to know how I am, he can call or text. I don’t need you speaking for me. In fact, I don’t want you here.”
“Why are you acting like this?” he demands. “I mean, yeah, we broke up, but we weren’t even twenty years old. What’s the big deal? Lots of people date, break up, and then stay friends.”
I stare at him.
Is he really that obtuse?
Does he not remember the hateful things he said to me? How hurtful it was when he blamed me for our terrible sexual experience? How unsympathetic he was when I was bleeding and crying in pain?
Well, I might be dehydrated and potentially having a miscarriage, but I am definitely not the same shy, inexperienced girl I’d been in college.
And the last person in the world I want around me right now is him.
“Look, we obviously remember things very differently,” I say, “but I want nothing to do with you outside of work. I can be professional, but beyond that, I’m not interested in friendship. I have friends.”
He scowls. “Yeah, some bad ones. Like that jerk who attacked me in the hallway. Are those the kinds of people you call friends?”
“What are you talking about?” I ask.
“The tall, blond guy…he threw me against the wall and told me he was going to hurt me for talking to you or some shit. I mean, are those the kind of?—”
“That’snotwhat I said.” To my complete shock, Anders walks into the room. “I told you not to hurt heragain. And I meant every word. If you hurt her, I will find you.”
“Anders.” I stare at him.
And to my complete horror, I burst out crying.