Page 120 of Body Shot

And it feels like this is some kind of payback for not loving Martika.

Which is ridiculous.

“Fuck.” I get out of the car and stomp into the hospital.

I want to pick up flowers or something, but the gift shop is closed, so I take the elevator to the eleventh floor and follow the signs toward 1104.

The room is at the end of a long hallway and there’s a guy standing outside doing something on his phone. He looks up as I approach.

“I’m looking for Claudia Pomeroy,” I say to him.

“Oh, hi.” His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “She’s sleeping right now. Can I help you with something?”

The way he says it feels incredibly intimate and a bad feeling slides through my gut.

“I need to see her,” I say. “Who are you?”

He holds out his hand. “Name’s Seth Crandall. We work together.”

My vision blurs for a minute.

Seth Crandall.

Thisis Seth Crandall?!

The same fuck-head who didn’t understand how to treat an innocent young woman the first time they got intimate?

He’s medium height with dark hair, dark eyes, and glasses. There’s nothing special about him.

Except he’s probably wicked smart like her.

Maybe that matters.

But all I can think about is the way he treated her.

How much that impacted her life.

And even though my own heart is breaking, I can’tnotsay something.

I’m simply not capable of walking away without letting him know someone will be watching.

A growl leaves my chest and before I can stop myself, I grab him by the shirt and slam him against the wall.

“Hey!” He flails a little, but I’ve got him pinned.

“You listen to me,” I hiss, glaring. “I don’t know what’s going on between you now, but I do know what went on in college. All I’m going to say is, if you hurt her again, you’ll answer to me!” Ishove away from him and stalk back down the hall before he can respond.

Instead of the elevators, I take the stairs.

All eleven flights.

Because I need to keep moving.

She dumped me for that piece of shit who treated her so badly.

What the fuck?

How is that even possible?