Page 9 of Body Shot

She’s reluctant but interested.

Cautious but intrigued.

She likes me.

We don’t know each other yet, but there’s a spark.

And she doesn’t know what to do about it.

So I take the decision out of her hands.

“Come on,” I cajole. “I won’t bite unless you ask me to.”

Even in the bright sun, I can see her blush.

I take a step closer.

She worries her lower lip.

“Anders, I?—”

“I’m asking you to go for a swim. It’s not a marriage proposal.”

“That’s coming soon, though, right?” she deadpans. “I mean, you were all but engaged to Hana before you even met her.”

Oh, yeah.

There’s some sass beneath the shy exterior.

I had a feeling she’d be fun.

“Yes, but we have to swim before I can propose.”

She slowly lifts her sunglasses and there’s a spark of mischief in her eyes.

And I like it.

“All right.” She puts her book down and then slides her shorts off.

Damn, she’s adorable, but that bathing suit is…boring as fuck.

I have a momentary fantasy of taking her bikini shopping.

I almost laugh at how ludicrous that is.

I’m willing to bet she’s never worn a bikini in her life.

I don’t know why I think that, but I do.

“I’m ready if you are,” she says.

“Absolutely.” I fall into step beside her as we make our way to the water.

Half the team is in here now, some playing keep away with a huge beach ball, some just lounging on floaties, and others playing with their kids. It’s a good group, people I genuinely enjoy spending time with.

But right now, all I can think about is Claudia.

A ball comes in our direction, and I’m surprised when Claudia bats it away, sending it back toward the game.