“Gather up, team!” Coach Sanderson yells from the bench.
I wiggle my fingers in another half-assed wave. “And on that note, toodle-oo, boys. Good luck!”
“See you around, Finley!” Dreggs calls. “That’s a promise!”
I grab another piece of popcorn, toss it into my mouth, and grin. “Bye, Dreggs.” Turning on my heel, I head up the stairs toward my seat, with the girls following.
When we reach our seats, I yell, “Go Hawks!” and sit down, balancing my sneakers on the empty chair in front of me.
“Did Dreggs seriously ask you out?” Raine asks.
I shrug, digging through the cardboard box for an especially buttery piece of deliciousness. “Apparently.”
“He’s cute,” Dylan chimes in.
“He’s very cute,” I agree. “He’s also very much Everett’s teammate, and I’m very much recently out of a relationship.”And kind of currently in a secret one, I silently add to myself.
“So?” Raine interjects. “I believe you’re the one who told me the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.”
“And then you fell for my brother.” I grin up at her. “You’re welcome, by the way. See? I’m the queen of face paintandromantic advice.”
“Yet you’re shit at taking it,” she volleys back as she collapses into the chair next to me. “Go figure.”
“Har, har. Let’s watch the game,” I announce.
Dylan leans forward. “Hey, PS—did you hear about the house?”
I frown. “What about it?”
“The inspection guy finally gave us the green light to move back in.”
“Us?” I challenge, batting my lashes at her.
She scoffs. “Okay, when I say us, I mean you, Raine, and Ev.”
“Yeah, since you’ve been shacking up with your little boyfriend and all.” I wink. “Reeves must be quite the performer in the bedroom.”
Untucking her pale blonde hair, Dylan tries to hide her blush, but the girl’s practically glowing with embarrassment. “No comment. Now, watch the game.”
“Mm-hmm,” I hum, mimicking Raine from seconds ago. “So, Raine. Does Ev know about the occupancy status update?”
“Yeah, but we probably won’t move in until all the furniture arrives, which should be in a couple of weeks.”
“Well, I’m moving in ASAP,” I announce. “Don’t get me wrong. I love living next to two fuck buddies.” I pause, giving Dylan a pointed look. “But my earplugs can only take so much wear and tear, so the more space, the better.”
“Gee, you’re so funny,” Dylan quips.
“I’m hilarious,” I agree.
“Yeah, Dreggs thinks so, too,” she tosses back at me.
With a hmph, I fold my arms and turn to the game.