Her lips purse like she doesn’t believe me. “You’re joking.”
“I’m not,” I say with a laugh. “Her name was Jenna Galinski. Junior year. You?”
“Drew.” She shifts in her seat. “Junior year.”
I nod, unsure what to say. I guess I always assumed Drew was her first and only, but hearing it out loud? The reminder that he owns a piece of her she’ll never get back, especially after the shit he put her through today? It’s sobering and makes me want to turn the SUV around all over again.
Staring out the windshield, Fin whispers, “Did you love her?”
“Jenna?” I pause, then shake my head. “Not sure I’ve ever been in love, Fin.”
“Did youthinkyou were in love with her?” she prods.
Lifting my shoulder, I admit, “Honestly? Not really. I know it makes me sound like a dick, but…there it is.”
She gives me a slow nod and tucks her hair behind her ear. “Hmm.”
“Hmm?” I repeat, casting her another quick glance.
“I guess it makes sense,” she murmurs. “Considering the fact that you’ve never really had a girlfriend.”
She’s right. I haven’t. My parents have even asked once or twice over the years. Why I haven’t seriously dated anyone. Why I haven’t given anyone a chance. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve spent plenty of time hooking up with girls and shit, but actual dating? I don’t know. I always told myself—and anyone who bothered to ask—that I was focusing on my career in the NHL, and I’d take dating seriously down the road, but the truth is, hockey’s always been the priority. The focus. I’d resent it if I didn’t love it so much. The game. The adrenaline. The high.
Besides, finding a girl who’s okay with all the traveling and the possibility of uprooting their life at the drop of a hat to move from one city to the next because of a trade is slim to none. I should know. I was raised in this life, thanks to my dad. Saw how much it affected my mom, and me, and my siblings. And we were the lucky ones. The ones who got to stay in Lockwood Heights. But even then, I remember the away games. The missed parent-teacher conferences. The empty seats at my own hockey games, all because my dad was traveling. It isn’t easy. Expecting someone to sign up for that kind of life. Add to the factthat I’m aware of where my priorities lie, and…I guess I’ve never seen the point of it all.
“Why settle down when you know they aren’t the one?” I finally offer.
She nods again. “How many…since Jenna Galinski?”
I pull back, surprised. “Are you asking for my body count?”
“You’re right. It’s weird.” She shakes her head. “Forget I asked.”
Forget she asked? Not a fucking chance.
“Why so curious?” I prod.
“It’s just…” She tucks her feet under her ass and sits cross-legged in the passenger seat, facing me. “I’ve only ever been with Drew, and now that I’m going to be a single mom, my body’s going to change, and I’m going to be super busy, and…”
Giving her the side-eye, I ask, “Are you afraid you’ll never get laid again, Finley Taylor?”
A light blush hits her cheeks as she fiddles with her earring. “That’s not what I meant…”
“You sure?” My dick twitches in my jeans, and I shift in my seat, squeezing the steering wheel until my knuckles are white. I never thought I’d have a conversation with Finley about shit like this. Up until I heard her masturbate a few days ago, I was convinced we’d never broach this subject.
The funny thing about Finley is she’s never been shy. Never been humble, even. The girl’s confident in everything she does. Seeing her vulnerable like this? Seeing the cogs in her Pandora’s box of a brain is…refreshing, almost. And fuck, if I don’t want to open it and see what’s inside.
“I just don’t know what to expect, that’s all,” she finally argues. “I’ve only ever been with Drew, and then when you add in everything else my future holds, you can’t blame mefor feeling like I can kiss any kind of physical relationship goodbye for the foreseeable future. So, sue me.”
“Trust me, Fin,” I rasp. “Any guy would be lucky to make your coffee, let alone hold your hand and…all the other stuff.” My mouth lifts. “You’re gonna be okay.”
She gulps and looks down at her stomach again. “Sure, we will.”
The bags fall with a heavy thud as deja vu washes over me. There are two beds this time, and my tired body sags with relief. Finley’s eyes are bloodshot. The skin surrounding them is puffy and red from crying.