Page 41 of A Little Secret

“Hey, Griff?” Fin murmurs.

I turn off my cell and set it down on the rock-hard ground, my face scrunching. What is that? Guilt? Shame? The feeling spreads in my gut as I set my pillow down and stare at the ceiling.

“Yeah?” I answer.

“Thanks for today.”

I sigh. “Anytime, Fin. You know that.”

“I do,” she replies. “Which is why you’re my favorite.”

“Sure, I am.” I laugh. “Smartass.”

“Mm-hmm.” She hums. “And, uh, Griff?”

“What, Fin?”

“You ready to give in and sleep next to me?”

“Not sure it’s a good idea.”

“Yeah, but really, it is. And I’m talking from a selfish standpoint.”

“How do you figure?”

“Well, since you’re driving me and my unborn baby all day tomorrow, I need you to get a good night’s rest.”

With a low laugh, I stand up, tug off my shirt, and lay down on top of the covers. Toes to nose, no matter how ridiculous her suggestion is. “Fine. You win.” I shove my hands behind my head and stare at the popcorn ceiling. “Get some sleep, Fin.”

“One more thing,” she rushes out.

With a groan, I mutter, “What is it?”

“If, uh, if it wasn’t for the baby…” Her words hang in the air, and my body turns to steel. Fuck, I could finish her sentence in a million ways, and so could she. The question is…how does she want to?

“What is it?” I push.

“I’d never choose to have you out of my life. Seriously. You mean a lot to me, Griff.”

My eyes close, heavy with defeat. There are so many things I could say, but they’re too late. I’m too late.

“You, too,” I murmur, turning onto my side and giving her my back. “Get some rest.”



It shouldn’t be this daunting. It’s only a freshman dormitory. Four floors. Boring red brick. A few bushes along the front and stairs leading to the entrance. Nothing crazy. Drew shares this space with two roommates. I’ve only met them once. Patrick and Charles. They’re nice in a hoity-toity kind of way. All pocket protectors and trust funds. I shouldn’t expect anything less, thanks to the stereotypes Drew’s been drowning in ever since he accepted his invitation to the Ivy League university. It was his favorite excuse. Why he could never step away to see me. Why he was too busy to take my calls. Classes are hard. Professors are unfair. Schedules are rigorous.

We already parked Griffin’s SUV, and when I climbed out, he joined me without a word. Now, here I am, staring up at a building like it might open up and swallow me whole.

“You good?” Griffin asks.

I snap myself out of my funk and slip my well-practiced fake smile into place. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

His gaze slides up and down my frozen frame. “Because you haven’t moved from the first step in a solid thirty seconds.”

“I mean, who wouldn’t want to show up on their boyfriend’s door unannounced to tell them they’re pregnant?” I wave my fisted hands into the air like a lottery winner. “Yay me.”