Page 153 of A Little Secret

“Our?” he challenges.

“I think it was always you, even if I didn’t want to acknowledge it in the beginning. I mean, even Drew could tell, you know?”

“Yeah.” He nudges my hand. “You gonna open it?”

“Depends. What is it?”

With a low laugh, he shakes his head. “Not telling. Open it.”

Curious, I slip my finger beneath the crooked tape and unroll the black box from the pink and blue polka dot wrapping paper.

“Griff,” I whisper.

“Open it.”

I lift the lid and gasp. Inside is a silver necklace with a small circle that has a date stamped on it. My eyes well with tears. It’s the day I miscarried. The day I felt like I lost everything. “Griff…”

“You can add the rest of our babies’ birthdays as we go.”

A tear slips past the corner of my eye, but I don’t botherwiping it away as I replay his sentence. “Rest of our babies?”

“What? You think we’ll only have one more?” He chuckles dryly. “Come on, Fin. I think we both know we want at least three.”

“Three, huh? That’s an awful lot of assumptions you got going there.” My mouth lifts, and I look down at the necklace again, realizing there’s a second small circle. “What’s this?” I flip the medallion around, noting the date. “I’m sorry, is something happening five years from now?”

“Yeah. It’s the day I’m gonna marry you.”

My heart lurches. “It is?”

“Mm-hmm.” He leans closer and kisses my neck.

“What if I’m busy that day? Hmm?”

“I think you can rearrange your schedule.”

“And where’s the ring?” I challenge, trying not to get too lost in his open-mouthed kisses, especially when we can’t have sex for at least another two weeks, but boy, is he making it difficult.

“Ah, you see, it’s a secret.”

“A secret, huh?”

“Yup.” He scrapes his teeth along my throat, and I nearly moan.

“Who says I was okay with you having a secret without me?”

“I mean, I told you the wedding date, and no one else knows that one, so...”

“So that’s your loophole?” My brow arches. “You have a secret, and we have a secret?”

“Add it to the list, right?” He kisses along the underside of my jaw and nips at the edge of my lips. “Want to know another secret, Finley Taylor?”


“I’ve never loved anyone else. Not ever. You’re the onefor me. And even though the last few weeks have been a bumpy ride, I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“That’s my girl. Now, let me put this on you.”