My grin grows. “Obviously. Now, stop trying to change the subject. Promise you won’t pull your name.”
“Fin.” Rubbing at the corner of his eye, he sighs.
“Promise me,” I push.
“I want you to be happy.”
“Glad the feeling’s mutual,” I quip. “And I will be happy as long as you don’t pull your name.”
Another low sigh escapes him. “Fine.”
“Fine, I won’t pull my name,” he grumbles.
With a groan, he drops his head back and stares at the ceiling. “Yes. I promise.”
My mouth splits into a grin. “Thank you.”
“I’d say you owe me, but…”
“But I already saved you from making a huge mistake?” I offer. “Yeah. I know. I’m awesome. Now, give me a hug.”
Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls me close, his muscles softening. “Love you, little sister.”
“Love you, too, big brother.”
Vmmm. Vmmm.
My phone vibrates against my nightstand, and I shift toward it against my better judgment. I just got off my shift at Rowdy’s, only to wind up craving a solid veg night instead of meeting up with everyone at SeaBird. Call me a baby, but the chaos from…everything is still fresh, and I don’t have it in me to be social for once. My mom’s name flashes across the screen on the nightstand. Squeezing my eyes shut, I bring it to my ear, answering the call.
“Hello to you, too,” my mom replies.
I sniff and shift my phone to my other ear. “Hi, Mom.”
“Hey, baby.”
I almost choke on my scoff but stay quiet. It’s a trick I learned from the woman herself. Sometimes, not blurting out whatever’s on your mind is the quickest way to read the other person’s. And I have a hunch I already know the reason for her call.
“So,” she murmurs. “How are…things?”
“Sneaky,” I note.
“Things are sneaky?”
“No, your innocent question is sneaky,” I muse.
“Who says I’m trying to be sneaky?”