Page 127 of A Little Secret

My grin grows. “Obviously. Now, stop trying to change the subject. Promise you won’t pull your name.”

“Fin.” Rubbing at the corner of his eye, he sighs.

“Promise me,” I push.

“I want you to be happy.”

“Glad the feeling’s mutual,” I quip. “And I will be happy as long as you don’t pull your name.”

Another low sigh escapes him. “Fine.”


“Fine, I won’t pull my name,” he grumbles.


With a groan, he drops his head back and stares at the ceiling. “Yes. I promise.”

My mouth splits into a grin. “Thank you.”

“I’d say you owe me, but…”

“But I already saved you from making a huge mistake?” I offer. “Yeah. I know. I’m awesome. Now, give me a hug.”

Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls me close, his muscles softening. “Love you, little sister.”

“Love you, too, big brother.”



Vmmm. Vmmm.

My phone vibrates against my nightstand, and I shift toward it against my better judgment. I just got off my shift at Rowdy’s, only to wind up craving a solid veg night instead of meeting up with everyone at SeaBird. Call me a baby, but the chaos from…everything is still fresh, and I don’t have it in me to be social for once. My mom’s name flashes across the screen on the nightstand. Squeezing my eyes shut, I bring it to my ear, answering the call.


“Hello to you, too,” my mom replies.

I sniff and shift my phone to my other ear. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hey, baby.”


I almost choke on my scoff but stay quiet. It’s a trick I learned from the woman herself. Sometimes, not blurting out whatever’s on your mind is the quickest way to read the other person’s. And I have a hunch I already know the reason for her call.

“So,” she murmurs. “How are…things?”

“Sneaky,” I note.

“Things are sneaky?”

“No, your innocent question is sneaky,” I muse.

“Who says I’m trying to be sneaky?”