“You sure you’re okay?” I keep my voice low so only she can hear me.
She nods but doesn’t bother looking at me as she reaches for her aunt’s camera still balanced in my hand.
“Did the camera break?” she asks.
“Camera’s fine.”
“Phew.” Her relief is palpable as she finally gives me a small smile. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“You get everything you need?” Everett interrupts.
Her gaze darts across the ice as if she almost forgot he was here.
“Dylan?” he prods.
“Uh, let me look.” Lifting the camera, Dylan flips through the photos one more time. The same soft smile plays at the edge of her mouth as she loses herself in the images, the last of her embarrassment finally dissipating. “Yeah. Yeah, these will definitely work.”
“All right, let’s go.” Everett orders.
“I thought I told you I’d catch a ride with Reeves,” she counters.
“Yeah, I know, but I noticed you left your backpack in my car. I came back to give it to you, and since you’re already done, I figured you might as well ride with me, right?” He offers his arm and waits.
A beat passes, and I swear she’s gonna send him packing again, but she turns off her camera and loops her wrist through the crook of his elbow. I stay on the ice, watching them shuffle toward the bench with an ease I envy. Watching her with him. How comfortable she is. The way his hand touches her lower back once they reach the bench. The way she gives him a smile while sitting down and reaching for her laces. The way he stands over her, folding his arms like a bodyguard or some shit, refusing to look at me. To acknowledge I’m here.
Oblivious to the tension swirling in the air, Dylan unlaces her skates and slides on her shoes. Once she finishes, she tucks her camera back in her bag, tugs it and the duffle bag over her shoulder, and turns to Ev. “You ready?”
Everett stares at my hoodie engulfing her body. His jaw tics, but he doesn’t call her out for keeping it on. He also doesn’t answer her.
“Ev?” she repeats.
With a jerky nod, he turns away from her and starts heading up the stairs. “Let’s go.”
She stays at the base of the steps, watching as he walks toward the exit. Once she’s sure he’s not watching, she peeks at me on the ice. What I wouldn’t give to know what’s going through her mind. To know if she feels the same tension I do.
“I’ll, uh, I’ll see you in class, Reeves.”
“See you then.”
“You’re home!” Finley gushes from the family room.
Too distracted by my weird afternoon, I barely glance her way as I drop my keys on the kitchen counter and lean against the edge, my exhaustion finally taking over. “Yup, I’m home.”
“Someone looks tired,” another voice adds.
My attention catches on Ophelia beside Fin, and my enthusiasm sparks, bringing with it another wave of energy while replacing the lingering embarrassment from my strange afternoon with Reeves and even stranger drive home with Everett.
“Hey!” Rushing toward my best friend, I pull her into a hug. “You’rehome!”
“I’m home,” she repeats with a light laugh. “I had to grab a few things, but I’m heading back to Mav’s in a few.”