“I’m going home right after this,” I interrupt. “You know, since we’re neighbors and all, it’s no trouble.”
“No trouble, my ass,” Everett mutters under his breath. If he’s trying to be subtle, he’s doing a shit job.
“Unless youwantto stay,” I challenge dryly.
Everett’s attention shifts to me. Annoyance. Restraint. Jealousy? They all shine in his blue eyes.
You ready to show your hand yet, Ev?I don’t say it out loud. I don’t need to. The guy knows me all too well.
“Fine,” he concedes, though I don’t miss the twitch of his nostril. “I’ll go.Ifyou promise to keep it in your pants, Reeves.”
Clutching at my chest, I counter, “Would you expect anything less?”
His jaw squeezes, but he steps back, giving Dylan some distance. I doubt she noticed how close they were standing. It’s like the girl has blinders on or some shit. Fascinating but confusing as fuck.
Does she really not know he’s into her?
“I’ll see you at home,” he tells her.
“Yup. Thanks again for the ride. You’re the best, Ev.” She gives him a hug. His hands find her waist, his attention shifting to me again as he squeezes her tight and lets her go but stays close, keeping his voice low. “Be careful, yeah?”
“Yup,” she repeats. “I will. See ya.”
With one final look at me, he turns around and leaves me alone with our girl.
My lips lift.
When she faces me again, her doe eyes are in full-blown wet dream mode. Clutching the duffle bag in her arms, she clears her throat.
“Whatcha got there?” I ask.
“Something that may or may not make you smile.”
My brow lifts.
“Close your eyes,” she orders.
“You serious?”
“Hey, you made me close mine earlier.”
Dropping my chin to my chest, I let my eyelids fall shut. The sound of rustling fabric hits my ears, along with a quiet, muffled curse.
“You okay over there?” I ask.
“Just a second,” she grumbles before the familiar crunch of ice echoes in the arena. She’s skating toward me. It takes everything inside of me to keep my eyes sealed, but with folded arms, I do.
“Can I open yet?” I question.
She’s circling me, the familiar click-click of her camera building my curiosity as my head swivels with her movements, though I don’t open my eyes like she asked.
My mouth lifts. “What are you doing?”
“You know, I’m impressed,” she notes.