“Hey,” she murmurs. “I didn’t mean to?—”
“You’re fine.” My Adam’s apple bobs, and I wipe beneath my nose. “Sorry, it’s…um, I’m not used to anyone but Dylan calling me by my first name.”
“Your mom picked it, right?”
I nod. “So the story goes.”
“It’s a good name,” she notes. “A strong name.”
I smile, but it feels forced. “Thanks.”
“You know you have a family now, right? Me and Colt. Jax and Griff. Everett, Finley, Ophelia, Mia, Henry, Tatum, Kate, Mack, the list goes on and on.” She leans closer and drops her voice low. “Seriously, if I keep going, we’ll be here all day.”
I chuckle dryly. “I appreciate it.”
“I’m being serious,” she pushes. “I have shitty parents, too. I mean…not your level of shitty,”—she grimaces—“but they were never there for me, and I know what it feels like to wonder if anyone cares. To wonder if you’ll be alone and if you’ll always be the only one to fight your battles. But then I found my friends and Colt, and I think you’ll be surprised at how strong of a bond you can have with someone who isn’t blood.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Thorne,” I mutter. “I appreciate it.”
“Now, if I could get you to believe me, that’d be great.”
Another laugh slips out of me. “I do believe you.”
With a shake of my head, I start to argue but stop myself. Do I believe her? Do I want to believe her? Am I too calloused to believe her? Too scared?
The people she named have shown up for me more times than I can count. Over and over, they’ve proven I’m not alone, even when I’m a dick. Even when I keep them at a distance. And yeah, they aren’t perfect, and neither am I, but still. Maybe it’s time I start believing in them.
“I’m not used to depending on others,” I admit.
“Yeah, well…” she bumps her shoulder with mine. “You better get used to it,Oliver,because we kind of like you.”
With another quiet laugh, I scrub my hand over my face and settle into the plastic chair. “I kind of like you guys, too.”
“Also, if you don’t want me calling you Oliver, I totally get it, but I have no problem adopting another son.”
“Another?” I question.
She smiles. “You didn’t know Jax isn’t my son by blood?”
I shake my head. “Jax?”
“He’s from one of Colt’s previous relationships.”
My eyes bulge, but I can’t help it. I had no idea. Not a fuckin’ clue.
“Shit,” I mutter, unsure what else to say.
“Yeah. Finding out about him was a doozy, but honestly? He was one of the best surprises I could ever hope for, and so are you.” She gives me the same sweet smile, looking so much like her daughter’s it makes my chest ache. “Now, aren’t you supposed to be in class?”
“Yeah, but Dyl?—”
“We have no idea how long this will take,” Mrs. Thorne interrupts. “Go.” She raises her voice and looks around the crowded precinct littered with my friends. “All of you. We’ll update you all as soon as we know more.”