“They’re totally official,” Finley interrupts. “Don’t worry, though. They’re super cute together and definitely being safe, so?—”
“Finley!” I screech.
“What?” she argues, utterly oblivious to my dad’s unhinged jaw. “It’s true!”
“That’s it. I’m putting a frog in your bed,” I grind out.
With a gasp, she clutches at her chest. “You wouldn’t dare!”
“I think we both know I most definitely would.”
“Hey, we share a bed, or at least we would if you weren’t always so busy sleeping in your boyfriend’s—” Her mouth snaps shut when she realizes exactly what she’s aired out in front of my dad. “Aaaand….” She starts scooting past us, heading toward the aisle. “I’m gonna go grab a pretzel.”
My dad digs a twenty out of his pocket as she slips past him, handing it to her. “Pretzel’s on me.”
“Gee.” She rolls her eyes. “Thanks. But if your daughter actually does slip a frog in my sheets, you’ll be paying for my therapy, too.”
Chuckling, he replies, “I’ll keep it in mind.”
Once she’s gone, my dad turns back to me and folds his arms. “We can skip over the gory details. Does he make you happy?”
My heart squeezes in my chest as I look up at him. He’s tall and handsome and kind, and he basically set the bar really high when it comes to my expectations of the opposite sex. To be fair, he kind of set the bar high for all of his kids. Jaxon has spent his entire life trying to live up to him, and Griff? The same goes. I’m not going to lie. It hasn’t always been easy for them, and I didn’t ever think it was possible to find a guy who could even compete with those notions, but Reeves?
My mouth tilts up as I think about the last few weeks with him. I nod. “Yeah, Dad. He makes me really happy.”
“Then I’m happy for you.” He gives me a quick squeeze. “Although, I do think we need to invite him to our next family brunch or something.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” I murmur.
He bends closer and narrows his gaze. “I’m serious. How’s next week sound?”
“Fine,” I concede because I know he won’t quit pushing me until I do.
“Good.” Backing away, he stands to his full height again while still managing to tower over me. “How’s school?”
“And how are the headaches?”
“The usual.”
His head bobs in understanding. “And Reeves? He treats you right?”
“Yeah.” I smile and bite my bottom lip. “He treats me really well. He even bought a Taser for me and each of the girls, and?—”
“He bought you a Taser?”
“You sure it’s a good idea?” he teases.
“Probably not, since I accidentally shot him with it.”
His guttural laugh makes me flounder as he holds his stomach and bends forward. It’s so loud and boisterous people start looking our way, so I elbow him in the ribs. “Will you shush?”
“I’m sorry, but that’s the best thing you’ve ever told me.” He wipes at the corner of his eyes, not even bothering to hide his amusement, as he stands to his full height again and shakes his head in utter disbelief. “Tell me someone recorded it.”
“It was anaccident,” I emphasize. “Don’t get me wrong. I know I can be clumsy, but it’s not like Finley’s pointing a camera at me twenty-four-seven, hoping to catch me doing something stupid.”