“Nice move,” he comments. “Now, I can do this.” He slides his right foot between my thighs, placing it on one of the blue circles in front of me, leaving my back and butt practically plastered to his front while straddling his upper thigh.
Well, this is…interesting.
“Sneaky,” I say, peering back at him from our new position.
“Never been one to turn down an opportunity, Pickles.”
I snort.
Of course, he isn’t.
“Left hand, blue,” Everett yells.
I reach behind me and blindly grab onto Reeves’ blue shirt while he moves his to one of the blue circles behind him, turning him into a sand crab.
“Left foot, green,” Everett announces.
Considering how close Reeves is to me, finding a spot is hard. Can’t say I’m complaining, though. It’s nice. Being close to him under the guise of a game. Like it’s innocent when this feels far from it, especially as something very hard presses against my butt. And after the other night? It makes me want to take things a step further.
“You gonna move, Dyl?” Reeves asks. “You still need to put your left foot on green.”
Oh. Right.
Clearing my throat, I lift my leg and rotate my entire body until I face him, sitting on his right thigh instead of straddling it. His right hand stays splayed against my shirt, rubbing my waist and turning me on way more than it probably should as I move into my new position. I like it, though. Feeling his hand on me. It helps to have so many people squished on the mat. Everyone’s in their own world, oblivious to whatever innocent or not-so-innocent brush of my body against Reeves and how it makes me feel.
As Reeves’ heated gaze slides over me practically laid out before him, Everett calls out, “Right hand, blue.”
Pushing myself up, I latch onto Reeves’ shoulder, hooking my hands around his neck to keep from falling and making us both lose. Once he’s sure I won’t make us topple over, he moves his hand from my waist and reaches behind him, finding a blue circle on the mat. His body is basically a tabletop, and I’m straddling his waist while his very hard erection strains against my center.
Fucking hell.
“You like this position, Dylan?” His breath is hot against my ear, and my tongue darts out between my lips. It’s new. All of this is. Part of me wants to run. To call it a night and hide in my room. The other part? Well, I’m kind of tired of running and hiding and pushing away a man who’s only ever treated me like I’m his queen.
I shift a little more in his lap, getting comfortable. “I’m, uh, not complaining.”
“Right foot, Red,” Everett announces.
I slip my foot a little more forward, and Reeves scoots his back, bringing our chests closer.
“You been in a position like this before, Dylan?” he murmurs.
“I think we both know the answer.”
“Yeah, but hearing you say it means more than me assuming.”
“Never been this close with anyone.”
“And you’re okay being this close with me?”
I hesitate but nod, my gaze falling to his lips, realizing how close they are.
“You’re cute when you’re turned on,” he breathes out. “Scratch that. You’re sexy as shit.”
There’s a slight rasp in his voice, and it does me in. “Who says I’m turned on?”
He smiles. “Let’s see. It could be the way your cheeks are flushed.”
“They aren’t?—”