Page 117 of A Little Tempting


“Dude,” he mimics. “Don’t get me wrong. I like when you’re all dolled up and shit, but this?” He reaches for my hand and spins me around. “This is just as perfect.” Lifting our entwined fingers, he brushes a kiss against the back of my hand. “You’re perfect. Now, come on. Let’s grab some food.”

* * *

It’s dark.Ever since I saw the night-light in Oliver’s room, I wondered if his aversion to the dark extends to being out at night or only when he’s sleeping—when his nightmares can hold him hostage and fight to keep him trapped in his past. But right now, Reeves looks as right as rain. With one hand on the steering wheel and another on my thigh, he seems more content than I’ve ever seen him. It’s nice. Really nice. The roads are mainly empty. It’s like most of Lockwood Heights has already gone to sleep, giving us a sliver of solitude except for the occasional passing headlights as we drive over the rolling hills. My belly is full of street tacos, and there’s a half-empty cup of Diet Coke in the cup holder. Music filters from the speakers, the heat is blasting, and the windows are rolled down. A mixture of Blink-182, Green Day, and a bunch of other punk bands I never heard of acts as our playlist for the night, and the contrast of frigid fall air combined with the car’s heating system leaves me feeling at odds but weirdly comfortable.

The dashboard highlights Reeves’ sharp features as he pulls back on to our street, making him look even more handsome than I’ve grown to expect from the guy.

When the song ends, he reaches for the volume knob and turns it down, giving me a panty-melting smile while he’s at it. “You know, this is usually the part where I kiss the girl good night and make sure she gets inside safely.”


“Yeah, but since we live together, I can’t decide if I kiss you now or when we reach your bedroom door.”

“Isbothan option?” I ask.

With a quiet laugh, he leans over the center console and reaches his arm toward me, cupping my cheek and pulling me into him. When our lips meet, I melt a little more, relaxing into his touch.

It’s sweet. Innocent. Soft.

Breaking our kiss, he murmurs, “I had fun tonight.”

“Me, too.”

“Will you let me take you out again?”

The idea alone causes a kaleidoscope of butterflies to flutter inside me, so I nod. “Yes.”

Running his thumb along my jaw one more time, he drops his hand, climbs out of the car, and rounds the front, opening my door.

The lights are off inside the house. I look around the dark main room, folding my arms across my chest as he locks the door behind us.

“I’m not ready to go to bed,” I admit.

“Movie?” he offers.


We search the family room for the remote, but when we don’t find it, he suggests his room, and I agree. Candy wrappers surround us a little while later asGame of Thronesplays on the television. When a spicy scene starts, I catch myself staring at the people on the screen. I shift slightly on the bed, both embarrassed and aroused.

“Fuck, Thorne,” Reeves murmurs. “You turned on?”

“I—what? No!”

“You know, it’s okay to be turned on, right?”

“I mean, obviously.” I roll my eyes. “But I’m not.”

“Why not?” he asks. His gaze flicks to the screen, then back to me. “It’s hot.”

“It’s…fine, I guess, but?—”

A moan from the screen cuts me off, and my breath hitches as the girl writhes.

“You’ve never watched porn, have you?”

I can feel his stare on the side of my face as I wring my hands in my lap, avoiding whatever’s happening on the screen like my life depends on it. “Did you seriously just ask me if I’ve watched porn?”