“Yeah. Like I said last night, in a weird way,theseraised me.” He motions to the box. “I want to introduce you to them. Keep digging, though. There’s something else in there.”
Curious, I pick up a few of the DVDs to find a small, laminated card. When I recognize what it is, I laugh but don’t bother lifting it from the box. “Are you serious?”
“Take a look,Dani.”
Giving in, I reach for the fake ID and study it, surprised by how legitimate it actually looks. Dani Reeves. “Who’s Dani?”
“FromGame of Thrones? You know, Daenerys? Daenerys Targaryen?”
“Oh, yeah. The girl with the white hair, right?”
He clutches at his chest. “You’re killing me, Smalls.”
“And you’re killing my good girl persona with a gift like this.”
“A guy can hope,” he quips.
Ignoring the heat in my cheeks, I study the card more carefully, my brows pinching as I drag my finger across the name printed on the driver’s license. “You picked Reeves for the last name instead of the dragon lady’s name.”
“I’m subtle like that.”
My gaze locks with his. “Mm-hmm.”
“What, you’re not convinced?” he challenges.
“Pretty sure subtle is the last word I would use to describe you.”
His mouth lifts. “You’re not wrong.” He scoots a little closer to me. “Come with me to the Halloween party at SeaBird.”
“SeaBird throws a Halloween party?”
“Yeah. Don’t get me wrong. It’s nothing like the costume parties we throw,”—he winks—“but it’s still pretty fun. Come with me.”
“I didn’t hear a question,” I snark.
Grasping my hand, he runs his thumb along the back, then brings it to his lips. “Will you, Dani Reeves, go to the Halloween party at SeaBird with me?”
“Are you asking me out?”
He nods. “It’s exactly what I’m doing. Say yes.”
It’s official. I’m reeling. I mean, sure. After last night, I knew this was a possibility, but it’s Oliver freakin’ Reeves. And he’s asking me out. Me. Dylan Becca Thorne. Like, what alternate universe am I in right now?
“You gonna leave me hanging, Pickles?” he challenges.
“Yes, you’re gonna leave me hanging, or yes, you’ll go out with me?”
“The second one,” I rush out.
His smile widens. “It’s a date.”
“What’s that?” Dr. Broderick demands, snapping me back to reality and the fact Reeves and I are most definitely the last two students still in the room.
With a clatter, the box slips from my fingers and falls onto the desk. Reeves closes the top and scoops the whole thing into his large hands, tucking it under his arm. “It’s a dildo. I keep telling her to leave it at home, but?—”
“Reeves!” I smack his chest, and a loud laugh rumbles up his throat.