I arch my brow, amused by her flirting.
If you want my mouth between your legs, all you have to do is ask.
Oh, I’m going to enjoy EARNING it when I win.
Getting the chance to eat your pussy? Babe, that’s a win for both of us.
She sends an eye-roll emoji, and I picture her doing that very thing.
Then she sends a shot of her chest, the tops of her breasts peeking out of her tank top. I can’t see her full face, only her sweet lips as she sticks her tongue out at me.
Your ass is in major trouble now.
My cock strains against my jeans, and I groan. The last thing I need while chopping down trees is an erection. Then having to tell customers, “Merry Christmas,” as I imagine shooting my load all over Fallon’s tits.
You gonna punish me?
Fuck, she’s testing my patience.
Where the hell did this Fallon come from, and how do I keep her?
All night long.
Looking forward to it, Mr. White.
I shake my head and force my phone into my pocket so I don’t sext her all damn day.
After another few hours, I get a break to eat and use the bathroom. When I walk into the shop, I see Finn and Oakley walking around with their arms full.
“Hey!” I pull Finn in for a hug. “What are you guys doing here?”
“My fiancée is buying the entire place out,” he muses, and I chuckle at her basket full of cookies and gifts.
“No looking! I got something in there for Fallon, and I don’t trust you not to spoil it,” Oakley says, covering it up.
I grin. “You did? That’s nice of you.”
“Of course. I’m hoping I can sweet-talk her into staying. It’d be nice to have another woman to hang with who isn’t a Vermonter. We can bond over being from the West Coast and all the weird shit you guys do and say.”
“I managed to convince her to stay through New Year’s, but I don’t think she’ll be able to stay longer than that,” I reply sadly.
“Really? That’s great,” Finn says.
“That gives me more time to tell her all the reasons she should stay,” Oakley adds.