“She was very nice,” Fallon says as we wait.
“I’ve known her for most of my life. Sweetest lady you’ll ever meet.”
Once we get on and I press the button for the top floor, Fallon faces me. “This seems a lot like a romantic getaway.”
“Well, it’s a resort for couples and families. I wanted you to experience everything they had to offer, so I booked the best room.”
“On such short notice? How’d you manage that?”
I smirk with a knowing shrug. “I have connections.”
She snorts. “I’m sure you do. Is it one of thosestay thirty-eight times, get the thirty-ninth freepromotions?”
Barking out a humored laugh, I throw my head back at her reference. Of course I just pulled a random number out of my ass, but the fact that she’s still thinking about it means something.
“Number forty is the freebie. What are you doing next weekend?” I flash her a wink.
“Keep dreaming.”
“You break my heart, Fallon Joy.”
We arrive at our floor, and as soon as I open the door to our room, Fallon walks in and examines every inch of the place.
“What do you think?” I ask, setting our bags down on a bench.
“It’s massive.” She goes from room to room, then checks out the tub and kitchen. “Um…there’s onlyonebed.”
“It’s a king-sized,” I reassure her.
“Like that’s ever stopped you from snuggling with me.”
I chuckle, amused she’s putting up this act, considering she’s the one who initiates it every time.
“We should get ready to hit the slopes so we have time to see everything. The patio has a nice seating area with a firepit and bar.”
“I’ve never skied, so bear with me.”
“No problem. There are plenty of instructors.”
“What? No, that’s embarrassing.”
“Hey, it’s one of the perks. Newbies get free ski lessons with a professional. Or you can fall on your ass a hundred times and potentially break something, your choice.”
She groans. “Fine.”
While Fallon adds layers, I contact the equipment rental and ask about lessons. Once it’s settled, I look her over.
“I rented all the gear for you,” I tell her as she glances at my snowsuit, helmet, and goggles.
“I’m going to freeze, I know it.” She groans. I stand in front of her and grip her shoulders. “If you wear all that, by the time you suit up, you’ll be sweating. Ski clothes aren’t a joke, and I bet once you experience how warm it keeps you, you’ll never wear anything else in the snow again. Trust me?”
She nods and her shoulders slightly relax.
“If you’re not having fun, we’ll end the lesson, but I wanted you to experience it. Who knows, you might enjoy it.”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
I chuckle at her deadpan expression.