Why don’t you light that fireplace?
Uh, it’s not gas, and I don’t see any wood. And no way am I playing lumberjack in this weather.
Glad you made it okay. Is that a Christmas tree in the bedroom?
The whole place is decorated like a department store. It’s weird.
Maybe you’ll end up leaving that place loving Christmas again.
Doubt it. But anyway, I’m gonna get some work done, then go to sleep so I can start working first thing in the morning.
What time is it there?
Just after six.
Don’t work too hard. Hope you get some decent sleep.
Yes, Mama Bear. Night, sis.
I smirk at the nickname I gave her a long time ago because she’s so overprotective. And still is to this day. Taryn doesn’t care that I’m an independent, thirty-year-old woman. I’ll always be her kid sister.
Just as I start sorting through emails and am about to reply to one of Sierra’s, I hear a dog barking downstairs, along with muffled speech.
What the hell?
Did I forget to lock the door behind me?
The hair on my arms stands up as I grab my pepper spray. I look around, wondering if I can quickly slide under the bed. The closet is across the room, and I nearly stop breathing as I try to hear what’s going on. Paws race up the stairs, and they’re followed by heavy footsteps. Before I can scream, the door swings open, and a naked six-foot mountain man stands in front of me, looking as confused as I feel.
I inspect his dark hair and scruffy facial hair as his piercing blue eyes meet mine with horror. My gaze roams down his muscular body, seeing all of him, and panic continues as he steps toward me.
That’s when I scream and pull the safety from my pepper spray.
Thiscannotbe happening.