Page 37 of My Greatest Joy

If I could get over my trust issues and make a move, I would because I deserve to be happy, too. Whether that’s temporary or possibly something that could be long-term. Regardless, I’ll never know if I stay guarded. Secluding myself from everyone is all I’ve known because it’s easier.

Once I’m dry and have wrapped my hair in a towel, I open the bathroom door to find Levi. He’s standing with his back to me and a towel wrapped around his waist.

He must’ve just finished showering in the other bathroom because drops of water trace down the muscles of his back. Before I can announce myself, he drops the towel, giving me the perfect view of his ass.

“Shit, sorry,” I say, flustered and frozen in place.

He pays me no attention. “Nothing you haven’t seen before, Fallon.”

“I gather you’re not shy,” I muse, drinking him in a little bit longer.

He slips on some joggers, then looks at me. “If you weren’t here, I’d probably walk around naked.”

“Well, don’t let me stop you. But give me a warning when your reindeer and jingle bells are loose.” My eyes trail down to the outline of his cock pressing against the material of his pants. I swallow hard at the thickness.

He licks his lips as my gaze travels up his happy trail and abs to his eyes. Yeah, I’m definitely busted.

I briefly lose my ability to speak and force out a good night before moving past him. I needed to get the hell out of his room before I did something stupid.

“Night,” he calls out with amusement in his voice.

Once I’m in my room, I settle in my bed with my laptop. I work on transferring the notes from my phone into my document. An hour later, I can’t keep my eyes open.

I shut everything off and slide deeper under the pile of blankets. My body begs for sleep, but I roll around for at least an hour. I try to count down from a hundred to zerotwice. It doesn’t work.

Instead of fighting it any longer, I get up and make my way into Levi’s room. Dasher’s head pops up as soon as I tiptoe inside. Without a word, Levi lifts the blankets like he’s been expecting me. I don’t hesitate and climb in. As soon as he covers us up, I mold my body against his, settling my ass against his groin.

He wraps his strong arm around my waist and leans into my ear. “Fuck, you smell so goddamn good.”

His warm breath tickles against my neck, and I hold back a smile. He holds me tighter, warming me from the inside out, and I feel safer than I’ve ever felt before.

Being in his protective embrace relaxes me as I close my eyes. It only takes a few minutes to fall asleep—a comfort I’ll miss when I leave.




Wakingup with Fallon’s body pressed to mine is sweet torture. Her bodywash and shampoo consumed my senses all night while her ass rubbed against my dick, making me hard. It was nearly impossible to fall asleep.

But I refused to move because her soft snoring made me smile. It was the only time she wasn’t running her mouth or talking shit about Christmas, so I soaked it in until I drifted off.

Not to mention, I’d never pass up the opportunity to hold her.

Getting to know Fallon over the past five days has been a roller coaster of emotions. We constantly go back and forth between annoying each other and growing closer. This thing between us has been brewing since the day she arrived, and now we’re playing a game to see who will snap first. However, she’s the one who initiates sleeping in my bed, so I think I might be winning.

As soon as she woke up this morning, she climbed out of my bed and went to her room as if our night snugglingnever happened. She doesn’t mention it, so I don’t push the conversation.

Most women are eager for my attention and nearly beg to spend a night in my bed but not Fallon. No, she acts as if she only wants me for my warmth, but I know better.

She’s constantly fighting this attraction between us. If she’d allow it, I’d prove to her that the feelings are mutual.

After we eat, we hop in the truck for a new day of activities.

“It looks so different with all the surrounding hills covered in snow,” she says, practically pressing her face against the truck window. “Almost magical.”

“Have we captured your heart already? I’ve hardly shown you anything,” I taunt, glancing over at how beautiful she looks today.