“I didn’t want to seem ungrateful,” she says timidly. “Plus, it’s not like you asked if I even wanted an omelet, so I accepted what you made.”
“Fair enough. But from now on, say something, okay?”
“Chicken fettuccini, do you like that?”
“I try to avoid pasta, but considering the circumstances, I’ll eat some while I’m here.”
“What in the world do you even eat in Seattle? Tofu?”
“For your information, I have a gluten allergy, which is why I limit my pasta intake. It’s not because I deprive myself of carbs. You’ve seen my thighs. Do you think I’m a health nut? If I have it, I’ll be uncomfortable and bloated.”
At the mention of her luscious legs, I imagine kneeling between them and licking her pussy until she explodes all over my tongue. Her body confidence is as sexy as her curvy hips.
Quickly shaking away the thoughts of her sitting on my face, I nod. “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to.”
“I’ll have a little. It sounds good,” she replies, no longer shooting daggers at me.
“Okay, it’ll be ready in a half hour. Think you can make it until then?” I smirk when her stomach growls.
“I hope so.”
“You wanna help? I’ll cook the chicken if you want to start on the sauce.”
“Do you have a recipe for me to follow?” She looks truly concerned that she’ll fuck it up.
I tap my temple. “All up here, babe. I’ll walk you through it.”
For the next thirty minutes, we work side by side. She mixes and stirs the ingredients in a pot while I cut and sauté the chicken.
As the sauce simmers, I guide her through boiling the pasta. While she does that, I grab some plates and make our drinks.
“My stomach is going to eat itself soon,” she whines, inhaling the scent of our food.
I laugh, enjoying this side of her. She hasn’t glared at me once since we started cooking.
Once the sauce is done, I add in the chicken and let it marinate for a few minutes before she makes a plate. As soon as Fallon makes it to the table, she digs in.
“This sauce is so good.” She moans around a piece of chicken, and I have to adjust myself as I sit across from her.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” I tease since she technically made it.
“Don’t be rude now,” she quips.
“Me? Look who’s talking. I’m the nicest guy you’ll ever meet.”
She snorts, devouring her food. “Like I haven’t heard that one before.”
“Yeah, but I’m not like other guys.”
“Oh really? Give me your exes’ numbers, and I’ll find out for sure.”
I raise a brow. “Oh, we’re having the exes talk already? Wow, you do move fast.”
“Why are you so surprised? We’re already living together.” She scoops a forkful of food and devours it like she hasn’t eaten in days.
I bark out a laugh. This flirty banter is something I haven’t seen from her, and my cock likes it—a lot.