Page 72 of My Greatest Joy

“What did you decide?” I ask.

“I had some salmon in the freezer that my dad caught in Alaska. Serving it with black beans and roasted Brussels sprouts. One hundred percent gluten-free.”

“The beans I’m on board with, but the Brussels sprouts I’ll save for you.” I give him a wary look.

“Have you tried them before?” he asks.

“No. I don’t like the way they look or smell.”

He bursts into laughter. “Sometimes, I have no idea what’s gonna come out of your mouth.”

“They look like little alien veggies when they’re cooked.”

“You’re trying them tonight,” he orders. “But I do have to warn you…your farts might stink.”

Now I’m laughing. “And you say I’m the unpredictable one! Also, ladies don’t do that.”

He glares at me. “Sure, right, right. If you hate them, I won’t force you to eat them all.”

“I’ll try anything once.” The words linger in the air, and that’s my rule inandout of the bedroom.

Levi flips the fish.

“Do you enjoy cooking?” I ask.

Levi laughs. “For you, I do. But when it comes to myself, I could eat a bowl of cereal and be satisfied.”

My heart flutters at the thought of him doing this for me. “Me too. It’s hard to make food for one person, especially for me. Don’t like leftovers either.”

Levi’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “Seriously? Why not?”

“It’s never been my thing. I’ll eat them only when I’m desperate.”

“Not sure you’d survive living here. My mom makes so much food during the holidays, we’re always sent home with airtight bags full of turkey, ham, and the works.”

“Sorry, but you’ll never change my mind about that.”

“What if you didn’t know it was a leftover, though?”

“Oh, I always know,” I say matter-of-factly. “It tastes different.”

He mischievously chuckles. “Whatever you say.”

“Why are you laughing?”

“No reason,” he singsongs.

I glare at him. “You’ve fed me leftovers, haven’t you?”

“You didn’t even notice! And I didn’t know it was one of your…quirks.”

“It never came up because delivery doesn’t exist here. But if you saw my fridge in Seattle, you’d judge me. It’s where takeout goes to die.”

“Oh, Fallon Joy. What am I gonna do with you?”

I smile wide. “Remember me forever.”

“Don’t have to worry about that, babe. You’re unforgettable.”